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Gamedes (Γαμέδες) was a Boeotian potter, active in the 2nd quarter of the 6th century BC. Chr.

He signed an oinochoe found in Tanagra today in Paris, Louvre MNB 501 twice with his signature ΓΑΜΕΔΕΣ ΕΠΟΕΣΕ; The same signature is incised on an aryballos from Thespiai today in London, British Museum A 189 (1873.2-8.2). Above all, the elegant oinochoe, which was probably made under Corinthian influence, was the model for other later Boeotian pots, some of these pieces may have been made in the game's workshop itself. The decoration of the jug in the Louvre is attributed to the Gamedes painter , to whom another vase can be attributed. It is discussed whether the potter and the painter were identical. The vase in London is unpainted. Gamedes is one of the few Boeotian potters who signed their works.


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