Gao Mobo

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Gao Mobo (also: Mobo CF Gao , chin.高 默波; born in 1952 as Gao Changfan高 常 范 in Gao , Jiangxi , China ) is an Australian professor of Chinese language and literature .


Gao Mobo was born the son of farmers in China. As a child, he experienced the famine in his village after the Great Leap Forward . At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution he became a barefoot teacher in the village school, but after a while he was criticized and deposed. In 1973 he left the village to study English at Xiamen University in Fujian . In 1977 he went to study in Great Britain, to the University of Wales , the University of Westminister and finally to the University of Essex at Colchester . He then taught and researched Chinese language and culture at Oxford University in the UK and Harvard University in the USA . In 1990 Gao emigrated to Australia to work first at the University of Tasmania in Hobart and then at the University of Adelaide . In 2008 he was appointed director of the Confucius Institute at Adelaide University. He often goes back to his home village in China to visit his brothers who still live there.

Research priorities

Gao Mobo researches and publishes mainly about

  • rural China
  • contemporary Chinese politics and culture
  • Migration from China to Australia

Gao Mobo was first published with his book Gao Village. Rural Life in Modern China (1999), in which he describes his career from a farmer's son from China to a university professor abroad from a unique perspective and depicts the complex changes in his home village, highlighting among other things positive aspects of the Cultural Revolution and the reforms since 1978 partly critically examined. Another important work by Gao is The Battle for China's Past. Mao and the Cultural Revolution (2008).



  • Gao Village: Rural Life in Modern China , London: C. Hurst & Co. (Publisher) LTD; Hawaii: Hawaii University Press; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press; Bathurst: Crawford House Publishers, Australia, 1999, paperback edition of Hawaii University Press 2007.
  • A Reference Grammar of Mandarin Chinese , Queensland: XACT Publications, 2000.
  • Mandarin Chinese: An Introduction , Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2000, reprinted in 2002.
  • The Battle of China's Past: Mao and the Cultural Revolution , London: Pluto, 2008.

Article (selection)

  • Chinese What Chinese: The Politics of Authenticity and Ethnic Identity , in Lee guan Kin (ed.): National Boundaries and Cultural Configurations , Center for Chinese Language and Culture and Global Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (under pressure).
  • China and Capitalism: If Market Capitalism Is Good for the West, Why Is Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics Bad? , Critical Perspectives on China's Economic Transformation , Introduction by Hari P. Sharma, Delhi, Daanish Bookjs, 2008.
  • The Question of Land: An Alternative Model to Modernity? , in Joseph Cheng (ed.): Challenges and Policy Programs of Chinese Next Leadership , City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, 2007, pp. 413-434.
  • Chinese Media Coverage of 9/11 , with Ming Liang, in Tomasz Pludowski (ed.): How the World's News Media Reacted to 9/11. Essays from Around the Globe , Marquette Books, Spokane, WA, 2007, pp. 186-205.
  • 關于 「文化大革命」 的 記憶 、 思考 和 爭論 : 解讀 「浩劫」 話語 (Memories of the Cultural Revolution: Deconstructing the Holocaust Discourse), in Song Geng (ed.): Globalization and Chineseness: Postcolonial Readings of Contemporary Culture (全球化與 「中國 性」 : 當代 文化 的 後 殖民 解讀), Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2006, pp. 247–260.
  • Introduction , in Eric Shaoquan Zhang: The Impact of ELT on Ideology in China (1980-2000) , Shanghai, Central China Normal University Press, 2006, pp. 1-10.
  • Communist Economic Model , in Thomas M. Leonard (ed.): Encyclopaedia of the Developing World , Vol. 1, Routledge, New York and Oxon, 2006. pp. 385-387.
  • 书写 历史 和 高 家村, in Luo Gang, 《年 思想 文集》, Guilin 桂林, Guangxi Shi-Da chubanshe 广西 师大 出版社 2004, pp. 266–273.
  • The Rise of Neo-Nationalism and the New Left: A Post-Colonial and Postmodernism Perspective , in Leong Liew and Shaoguang Wang (eds.): Nationalism, Democracy and National Integration in China , Routledge / Curzon, London, 2004, p. 44 -62.
  • The Great Wall that Divides Two Chinas and the Rural / Urban Disparity Challenge , in Joseph Cheng (ed.): China's Challenges in the Twenty-First Century , City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, 2003, pp. 533-557.
  • 运用 第一 语言 来 学习 第二 语言, in Zhang Dexing and Li Xiaoqi (eds.): 《队 以 英语 为 母语 的 汉语 教学 研究》. Beijing: Renmin jiaoyu chubanshe 人民 教育 出版社, 2002, pp. 296-308.
  • Influence of Native Culture and Language on Intercultural Communication: the Case of PRC Student Immigrants in Australia , in Jens Allwood and Beatriz Dorriots (eds.): The Diversity of Intercultural Communication , Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 28, University of Boteborg, 2002, p. 33 -53.
  • 从 一个 极端 到 另一个 极端 : 是否 该 偏正 一点儿? in Yang Jianli (ed.): 《红色 革命 和 黑色 造反》 Boston: Twenty-First Century Book Series Foundation for China in the 21st Century, 1997, p. 17-34.
  • Welfare Problems and Needs for Migrant Workers in South China, in Wing Lo, Joseph Cheng (ed.): Social Welfare Development in China, Constraints and Challenges , Imprint Publications, Chicago, 1997, pp. 101–120.
  • Self-Reference Materials: A Grammar Hand Book , in Mary Farquhar, Penny McKay (Eds.): China Connections: Australia Business Needs and University Language Education , National Language and Literacy Institute of Australia, Canberra, 1996, pp. 246-257.
  • 毛泽东 的 幽灵 还在 大陆 徘徊: 毛 死后 的 中国 经济 改革 以及 中国 人 的 态度, In: 《香港 科学 学报》 2 (spring 1996).
  • 儒学 对 孙中山 思想 的 影响, with 罗 耀 九, in: 《学术 月刊》 11 (1996).
  • 后 毛 时代 的 中国 经济 改革 以及 中国 人 的 态度, in: 《香港 社会 科学 学报》 7 (1996).
  • Migrant Workers from Rural China: Their Conditions and Some Social Implications for Economic Development in South China , in David Schak (ed.): Entrepreneurship Economic Growth and Social Change: The Transformation of Southern China , Center for the Studies of Australian and Asian Relations, Queensland, 1994, pp. 21-38.

Book reviews

Since 1990, Gao has published numerous book reviews on-line and in magazines, among others. a. in Portal , The International Journal of Humanities , Journal of Chinese Australia , China Study Group , Critical Asian Studies , Asia Media , Asian Studies Review , China Information , Pacific Asian Education , The Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences , Journal of Contemporary Asia , Intercultural Communication , Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars , China Report (New Delhi), International Migration Quarterly Review , Pacific-Asian Education , Ming Pao Monthly , The Babel , The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies , China Rights Forum , Australian Journal of Linguistics , Proceedings of Leiden Conference for Junior Linguists , New Statesman , Chinese News Digest , 《中国 2000 论坛》 (on-line journal), China and World (on-line journal), Australian-China Review, and Australia-Asian Society of Tasmania Newsletter .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gao, Mobo CF, 1952 .
  2. ^ Mobo Gao: Challenging Official Verdicts on Mao's Cultural Revolution , Kasama , Nov. 6, 2008.
  3. ^ Mobo Gao, Gao Village: Rural life in modern China . University of Hawaii Press, 1999, pp. 75, 129, 140.
  4. ^ Gao Village: A Portrait of Rural Life in Modern China . In: China Review International 9.1 (Spring 2002), p. 106.
  5. ^ Gao Village: Rural Life in Modern China . In: The Chinese Journal 43 (January 2000), p. 181.
  6. ^ A b Mobo Gao: The Battle of China's Past: Mao and the Cultural Revolution . Pluto Press, London, 2008, p. XI.
  7. ^ New Confucius Institute head at Chinese New Year , University News and Events , The University of Adelaide, February 6, 2008.
  8. Mobo Gao ( Memento of the original from September 1, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. University of Adelaide Confucius Institute. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. ^ Mobo Gao University of Adelaide
  10. John Gittings, Far East correspondent for the Guardian , quoted in on the blurb of Gao Village .