Georg Andreas Böckler

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Georg Andreas Böckler, 1681

Georg Andreas Böckler (* around 1617 in Cronheim / Middle Franconia , † February 21 . Jul / 3. March  1687 greg. In Ansbach ) was a German architect and engineer , inventor and author. The last of his numerous publications on a wide variety of topics, an annotated German-language edition of the first two "libri" by Andrea Palladio , appeared 11 years after his death in 1698.

Architectura curiosa nova , 1701


Little is known about Böckler's person. His father was a Protestant pastor in Cronheim , his brother Johann Heinrich a professor in Strasbourg . In 1756 he was a builder at the court of Eberhard III. as successor to Heinrich Kretzmeier. Above all, he was supposed to repair the fortresses that had been destroyed in the Thirty Years' War. In 1673 he made the plans for Mühlburg Castle , which was destroyed again by French troops in 1689. From 1679 he was also a master builder for the Margraves of Brandenburg-Ansbach .


Example for calculating a tower height, from Arithmetica nova militaris from 1661

Nothing of Böckler's buildings has survived. His significance for posterity lies in the numerous books he has left behind:

  • Compendium architecturae civilis. 1648, digitized
With this work he wanted to build on what he knew before the war , knowing that not only had many people and buildings been destroyed during this time, but also that a lot of specialist knowledge was lost.
  • Art booklet deals with the art of etching and etching. 1652
  • Handbook about fortification a. Vestungsbaukunst. 1659
  • Arithmetica nova militaris. 1661.
A math book for the military.
  • Theatrum Machinarum Novum, that is: Newly increased arena for the mechanical arts, is about all kinds of water-wind-horse-weight and hand mills ... as well as useful water arts. Nuremberg 1661 digitized
The book about mechanical arts was printed in numerous editions: 1661, 1662, 1673, 1703 etc.
  • Architectura curiosa di… building and water art. Nuremberg 1664 digital copy, a second edition followed in 1704:
  • ... There are drawn and depicted in it after life and 36. beautiful grottos, palacia, pleasure houses and pleasure gardens. Digitized
  • Schola militaris moderna. 1665 digitized
  • Furnologia, or, Household Stove Art. 1666, digitized
  • Geometriae practicae novae libri. 1667, digitized
  • Useful home and field school. 1678 digitized ,
A handbook for economists, an unusually comprehensive work that not only deals with the construction of a farm , but also deals with the art of cooking and the manufacture of medicines.
  • New and perfect Seulen book, never set up before. 1684, digitized
(From the literature it is unclear whether it is a new edition of Schola militaris moderna or a real adaptation with new content)
  • Newly increased war school. 1685, digitized
A manual for the warrior. The book is about the war offices, provisions, pay, ammunition, armatures, artillery, drill, martial law, command, tactics, camp and fortress construction, peace agreements, alliances, etc.
  • Ars heraldica. 1688. Digitized
  • Together with Andrea Palladio: The master builder Pallas: or, The Palladius, which was acquired in Germany. 1698


New, entertaining sensual and artistic realms, also introducing useful building and water art (1701)

Web links

Commons : Georg Andreas Böckler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Horst Ossenberg, What remains, the master builders create: the Württemberg court and state construction from the 15th to the 20th century , pp. 40–41