Georg Evert

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Georg Evert (born November 4, 1856 in Tauenzin , district of Lauenburg i. Pom. , † April 27, 1914 in Berlin ) was a German administrative lawyer and statistician.


Evert attended the Kneiphöfische Gymnasium in Königsberg. After graduating in 1875, he studied law and political science in Königsberg, Leipzig and Tübingen. During his studies he became a member of the Königsberg fraternity in Gothia in 1875 .

After completing his legal clerkship in 1883, he worked as a government assessor for the political police in the Berlin police headquarters. In 1885 he joined the Royal Prussian Statistical Bureau , where he became a member of the government in 1889 and a senior government councilor and deputy director in 1900. From 1911 he was President of the Prussian State Statistical Office as the successor to Emil Blenck .

Georg Evert died in Berlin in 1914 at the age of 57 and was buried in the Old St. Matthew Cemetery in Schöneberg . The grave has not been preserved.


  • Reich policy or free trade argument . Munich: Oldenbourg 1902.
  • Five main arguments of free trade theory . Berlin: R. v. Decker 190.5
  • The origin of the German NCOs and soldiers on December 1, 1906 . Berlin: Verl. Of the Königl. State Statistical Office, 1908.
  • Social war and peace. Brief overview of the social achievements and struggles of our time for Germans of all classes . Berlin: Middle 1909.


  • Konrad Saenger : Georg Evert , In Bulletin de l'Institut international de statistique. 22.1, 1926, pp. 314-318 ( Gallica )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hugo Böttger (ed.): Directory of the old fraternity members according to the status of the winter semester 1911/12. Berlin 1912, p. 47.
  2. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin tombs . Haude & Spener, Berlin 2006. p. 301.

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