Georg Fleischmann

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Georg Fleischmann (born July 14, 1906 in Kolberg (Western Pomerania) , † December 1970 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein ) was a German lawyer and criminal investigator . In 1963, the suspicion arose that he had been guilty of aiding and abetting or complicity in organized murder , the victims of which were mainly Jews , during the National Socialist era . He died during the years of criminal proceedings .

education and profession

In 1928 Fleischmann passed the Abitur in his Pomeranian hometown Kolberg. He studied law and graduated with a doctorate in 1932 . In July 1933 he joined the police in what was then Königsberg (East Prussia) as a detective commissioner candidate, in December of the same year he became a probationary detective, and later an official for life .

time of the nationalsocialism

During his studies, Fleischmann became a member of the NSDAP in September 1930 and was given membership number 332,884. From October 1931 to September 1938 he was a member of the SA , from November 1938 to the end of World War II he was a member of the SS under number 310,191 . Initially as obersturmführer in SD Main Office , during his participation in the war against the Soviet Union as deputy head of the Gestapo in the staff of Einsatzgruppe B .

post war period

By hiding his Nazi past, Fleischmann achieved his classification as a so-called follower in the denazification process after the Second World War . In August 1955 he was taken over as chief detective commissioner in the criminal services of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate , in December 1956 he was made head of the Ludwigshafen criminal police. In this role he coordinated the second major manhunt in the Palatinate region in spring 1961 for the violent criminal Bernhard Kimmel and the gang named after him.

In November 1963, Fleischmann was arrested and suspended from office because there were strong suspicions that he had participated in the shooting of ten to twelve Jews near Smolensk (Russia) during World War II . Having in December 1963 partial confession had taken, which was pre-trial detention in September 1964 against registration requirements put out of law enforcement. After further investigations, the public prosecutor's office in Kiel applied for a preliminary judicial investigation against Fleischmann in February 1967 for aiding and abetting murder in 17,000 cases. During the ongoing proceedings, Fleischmann fell seriously ill in 1969 and it was determined that he was incapable of doing business or being interrogated. In December 1970 he died without the criminal proceedings having come to a conclusion.

Individual evidence

  1. "Personnel documents were checked" . In: The Rhine Palatinate . Ludwigshafen December 6, 1963 (accessed from on September 25, 2011).
  2. a b c d e "Command is command"? - Careers with brown shadows. Rhineland-Palatinate police, archived from the original on February 25, 2015 ; Retrieved September 25, 2011 .
  3. Ludwigshafen police chief in custody . In: Pfälzische Volkszeitung . Kaiserslautern December 5, 1963 (accessed from on September 25, 2011).