Georg Gustav Detharding

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Georg Gustav Detharding

Georg Gustav Detharding (born June 22, 1765 in Rostock ; † February 3, 1839 ibid) was a German doctor ( gynecologist ), botanist and malacologist who was a resident doctor in Rostock. Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ Dethard. "

His father Georg Christoph Detharding was also a doctor in Rostock. He attended the city school in Rostock and studied medicine in Jena with his doctorate in 1787 (with a dissertation on childbirth). He then visited well-known medical institutions in Germany before settling down as a doctor in Rostock, specializing in obstetrics (gynecology). From 1789/90 he also gave medicine lectures there, but soon gave up.

In addition to his work as a doctor, he mainly conducted research in botany. Thanks to good contacts with domestic and foreign scholars, he set up a herbarium vivum and had a collection of minerals and conchylia. He also owned a valuable natural history library. He published a list of molluscs from Mecklenburg (1794) and the seed plants of Mecklenburg (1828).

In 1800 he became a member of the Leopoldina . He was also a member of the natural history societies in Jena, Kassel, Drei 30acker (Forest Academy) and Rostock, of which he was a founding member in 1800.

He was married to Marie Elizabeth Sophie Tarnow (1774-1859) and had eight children, including their son Georg Wilhelm , who was a military doctor in Rostock.


  • Systematic directory of the Mecklenburg conchylia, Schwerin 1794 (editor and foreword Adolph Christian Siemssen)
  • Conspectus plantarum magniducatuum Megalopolitanorum phanerogamarum, Rostock 1828

He also published on gynecology and obstetrics.


  • Brüssow, New Nekrolog der Deutschen, 17th year 1839, part 2, Weimar 1841, pp. 1030f
  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 2053 .
  • Sabine Pettke (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for Mecklenburg. Volume 1, Schmidt-Römhild, Rostock 1995, ISBN 3-7950-3702-6 , p. 69

References and comments

  1. ↑ Dates of life according to Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen 1841. Sometimes 1838 is also given as the date of death.
  2. ^ Author entry and list of the described plant names for Georg Gustav Detharding at the IPNI
  3. A description of his herbarium of plants from Mecklenburg in the Schweriner Freimüthigen Abendblatt 1819
  4. ^ Member entry by Georg Gustav Detharding at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on August 22, 2016.