Georg Haindl (paper manufacturer, 1881)

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Georg Haindl (born November 19, 1881 in Augsburg ; † March 4, 1958 there ) was a German paper manufacturer and economic politician.


Georg Haindl, son of Friedrich (August 6, 1849 - October 25, 1929, paper manufacturer in Augsburg; son of Georg, 1816–78, paper manufacturer, and Elise Ehrnthaller) studied law, social science and economics at the universities of Munich, Berlin and Freiburg . In 1902 he became a member of the Corps Palatia Munich . After completing his studies, he joined the management of the family company G. Haindlschen Papierfabriken GmbH in Augsburg in 1905 . In the First World War he was initially a war participant before the management of the paperwood procurement office was transferred in 1917. From 1919 he pushed ahead with the modernization of Haindl Papier and expanded the company to become the third largest paper exporter in Germany. After the almost complete destruction in World War II, he rebuilt the company.

In 1919 he merged the Bavarian paper, cardboard, cellulose and wood pulp manufacturers into an employers' association. From 1920 he was a member of the supervisory board of the Verband Deutscher Druckpapierfabriken GmbH . His initiative to use modern, powerful machines led to the rapid rise of the German paper industry on the world market after 1924. At the Reich Ministry of Economics he achieved a separation of the newsprint industry from the printing and writing paper industry from 1933. After the Second World War he became chairman of the Grand Transport Committee.

As a politician, he was a member of the Economic Advisory Board of the Bavarian People's Party from 1920 , in which he advocated active Bavarian industrial policy. In 1931 Paul von Hindenburg appointed him as the only Bavarian to the 25-member economic advisory board of the German Reich government, the so-called Brüningrat.

In 1913 he married Erna Braun (1889–1921), daughter of Carl von Braun , President of the Higher Regional Court .



Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 113 , 1213