Georg Hartmann (Ministerial Officer)

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Georg Hartmann (born January 30, 1909 in Wilkau-Haßlau , † after 1952 ) was a German ministerial official . Since 1942 he was head of the Saxon Language Office, founded at the suggestion of the Heimatwerk Sachsen .


Georg Hartmann initially wanted to become a high school teacher. It was in 1936 at the philological-historical department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Leipzig to Dr. phil. PhD with the dissertation Das Wassergeleite in Sachsen , which appeared in print in Wilkau-Haßlau . He joined the SA in 1933 . He quickly made a career in the NSDAP , which he also joined in 1933, and became a ministerial official at the Saxon Ministry of Education and then moved to the State Chancellery .

In the journal axes of Heimatwerk Saxony in 1938 he published the essay Leibniz Spruce Nietzsche: three stages of the history of ideas development . In the Yearbook of the German Language , he published the contribution Völkische Sprachbildung : Objectives and experiences of the Heimatwerk Sachsen .

In 1942 Georg Hartmann took over the management of the language office, which was directly subordinate to the Saxon State Chancellery in Dresden and which had received the order from the Saxon Gauleiter of the NSDAP and Prime Minister Martin Mutschmann to monitor German-language work in Saxony and to steer it in accordance with National Socialism. Hartmann worked closely with the Academy for Scientific Research and Maintenance of Germanness in Munich .

Georg Hartmann's first major printed work appeared in its first edition in 1940 and was entitled Linguistic Attitude. Speech training in Saxony (with a preface by Martin Mutschmann) . It was sold out immediately, so that a second edition followed in the same year. At the instigation Mutschmanns he wrote in the same year, together with Arthur Graefe 's work 2,000 years Germany , published by the to 1943 seven editions totaling 130,000 copies. In 1943 Georg Hartmann had the publication Deutsche Sprachkunde in a new show. A methodological outline will follow.

Hartmann was taken into Soviet custody in 1945 with the followers of Mutschmanns Hellmut Peitsch and Arthur Graefe. It stayed in a special camp until 1949, when it was handed over to the East German authorities. In the Waldheim trials in 1950, he received a long prison sentence, which, however, ended after two years because of international protests against the trials.

The book 2000 Years of Germany was placed on the list of literature to be discarded.

Individual evidence

  1. Mike Schmeitzner , Clemens Vollnhals, Francesca Weil: From Stalingrad to the SBZ: Saxony 1943 to 1949 , 2016, p. 39.
  2. Hanno Birken-Bertsch, Reinhard Markner: Spelling Reform and National Socialism. A chapter from the political history of the German language , Göttingen, 2000, pp. 72f.
  3. ^ As note 1, p. 44, based on Thomas Schaarschmidt, Arthur Graefe google-online
  4. ^ Letter G, List of literature to be discarded. Published by the German Administration for Public Education in the Soviet Occupation Zone. Preliminary edition as of April 1, 1946 (Berlin: Zentralverlag, 1946). In: Retrieved February 25, 2019 (entry no.3942).