Georg Hoffmann (Orientalist)

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Georg Hoffmann (full name: Johann Georg Ernst Hoffmann , born April 25, 1845 in Berlin , † January 18, 1933 in Kiel ) was a German orientalist .

Hoffmann was already studying the oriental languages ​​while he was still at school. Hoffmann learned Hebrew at the “ Veitel Heine Ephraim School”. From 1864 he studied classical philology and Semitic languages in Berlin and Leipzig . After graduating as Dr. phil. (1868) he went to the University of Göttingen to deepen his studies with Paul de Lagarde . In the winter of 1869/1870 he went on a long research trip to England to examine Syrian and Arabic manuscripts. On June 14, 1870 , he completed his habilitation in Göttingen.

As early as 1872 Hoffmann was offered a chair for Oriental Languages ​​at the University of Kiel (as the successor to his older colleague and friend Theodor Nöldeke ). He accepted it and was appointed full professor on June 17, 1872, effective October 1. In Kiel, Hoffmann remained active in research and teaching for the rest of his life. Until 1880 he was a member of the German Oriental Society . In 1881 he was appointed a corresponding member of the Göttingen Society of Sciences , and in 1893 a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg . He retired on April 1, 1911 . On June 17, 1922, on the occasion of his 50th anniversary as a professor, he received an honorary theological doctorate from the University of Kiel.

In his teaching activities, Hoffmann represented the entire field of oriental studies with the exception of Sanskrit . He edited numerous Syrian and Aramaic texts with translations and explanations.

Fonts (selection)

  • De Hermeneuticis apud Syros . Berlin 1868 (dissertation)
  • De Hermeneuticis apud Syros Aristoteleis, adiectis textibus et glossario . Leipzig 1869 (extended dissertation)
  • Negotiations of the church assembly at Ephesus on August 22, 449 translated from a Syrian manuscript from the year 535 . Kiel 1873
  • Syriac-Arabic glosses. Volume 1: Autograph of a Gothaic manuscript contain Bar Ali's Lexicon from Alaf to Mim . Kiel 1874
  • Julianos the Apostate. Syrian stories . Leiden 1880
  • Excerpts from Syrian files of Persian martyrs. Translated and explained through studies of historical topography . Leipzig 1880
  • Opuscula Nestoriana syriace tradidit . Kiel 1880
  • About some Phoenician inscriptions . Leipzig 1890
  • Job . Kiel 1891
  • Aramaic inscriptions from Nêrab near Aleppo: New and old gods . In: Journal for Assyriology and Near Eastern Archeology . Volume 11 (1896), pp. 207-292


  • Theodor Menzel: Georg Hoffmann on the 60th anniversary of the professorship . In: Kieler Latest News , No. 141 from June 18, 1932
  • Theodor Menzel: Professor Dr. Georg Hoffmann, b. April 25, 1845, † January 18, 1933 . In: Kieler Latest News , No. 20 of January 24, 1933
  • Franz Babinger: The Nestor of the German Orientalists (Georg Hoffmann) † . In: Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung . Volume 71, No. 45 of Jan. 27, 1933, supplement
  • Theodor Menzel: Research and Progress . 9th year (1933), No. 7, p. 102f.
  • Friedrich Volbehr : Professors and lecturers at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . 4th edition, edited by Rudolf Bülck, completed by Hans-Joachim Newiger , Kiel 1956, p. 139
  • History of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel 1665–1965 . Part 1: The Philosophical Faculty . Neumünster 1969, p. 147; 176-178; 236

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1724. Johann Georg Ernst Hoffmann. Russian Academy of Sciences, accessed August 20, 2015 (Russian).