Georg Jacob

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Georg Jacob (born May 26, 1862 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † July 4, 1937 ) was an Islamic scholar and orientalist . He founded modern Turkology in Germany.


Jacob studied Arabic geography and completed his habilitation in 1892 at the University of Greifswald . In 1896 he went to the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen as an associate professor . In 1911 he followed the call of the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel to the chair of oriental studies . His predecessor was Georg Hoffmann . In 1922/23 he was rector of the CAU. Among other things, he published extensive works on the history of shadow theater . At his request, Paul Kahle continued Jacob's work on the Arabic shadow play. His students included Hans Ellenberg and Oskar von Niedermayer .

Jacob was the first translator and editor of modern Turkish literature in the German-speaking area, including the Turkish library .


  • Which trade articles did the Arabs of the Middle Ages obtain from the Nordic-Baltic countries? Second completely revised and often enlarged edition, Mayer & Müller, Berlin 1891
  • Old Arabic Bedouin life: portrayed according to the sources. 2nd edition, Mayer & Müller, Berlin 1897 ( digitized version )
  • The life of the pre-Islamic Bedouin. (Studies in Arabic Poets, Volume III) Mayer & Müller, Berlin 1895 ( at Internet Archive )
  • The Turkish shadow theater. Berlin, 1900
  • The history of shadow theater in the Orient and Occident . 1st edition 1907, 2nd expanded edition 1925 (1972), ISBN 978-3764804114 ( GoogleBooks )
  • Arab reports from envoys to Germanic royal courts from the 9th and 10th centuries. Translated into German and provided with footnotes by Georg Jacob. Berlin 1927. ( Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf)


  • Ernst Dammann : Memories of Georg Jacob (1862–1937). In: Klaus Kreiser (Ed.): Germano-Turcica. On the history of learning Turkish in German-speaking countries , Bamberg University Library, Bamberg 1987, ISBN 3-923507-06-2 , pp. 113–118.
  • Norbert Diekmann: Georg Jacob and its importance for the development of oriental studies from the 19th to the 20th century. In: XXX. German Orientalist Day, Freiburg, 24. – 28. September 2007. Selected lectures. Published on behalf of DMG by Rainer Brunner, Jens Peter Laut and Maurus Reinkowski, February 2009 ( PDF ).
  • Klaus Kreiser : Bektaşî-Miszellen (therein: 2. Georg Jacob <1862–1937> as the founder of the Bektaşî studies ). In: Turcica. Revue d'études turques. Vol. 21-23, 1991, pp. 115-130; Reprinted in: Istanbul and the Ottoman Empire. Dervish beings , building history, inscriptions (= Analecta Isisiana 14). Isis, Istanbul 1995, pp. 243-256.
  • Klaus Kreiser: Jacob, Georg (1862–1937). Alman şarkiyatçısı ve Türkologu. In: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi , Vol. 23, Istanbul 2001, pp. 567-568 ( online ). (Turkish)
  • Enno Littmann : Georg Jacob (1862–1937). In: Journal of the German Oriental Society. Vol. 91 (nF 16), No. 2/3, 1937, pp. 486-500.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gerd Taube (1995)
  2. Rector's speeches (HKM)