Georg Köstermann

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Georg Köstermann (born July 26, 1913 in Eltze ; † April 25, 1994 ) was a German railway employee, ornithologist and local researcher .


Georg Köstermann, born in Eltze in 1913, completed an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer in Braunschweig after finishing school . He then worked in Hanover for the Deutsche Reichsbahn , and from 1949 for the Deutsche Bundesbahn .

Köstermann was a pioneer of ornithology and bird photography in the area around Peine . For around a quarter of a century, from 1952 to 1987, he kept an ornithological diary about the region of his hometown Eltze, in what is now the municipality of Uetze .

Fonts (selection)

  • Dieter Wittenberg, Georg Köstermann, Friedrich Giere, Fritz Giffhorn, Walter Martschink: Home between Erse and Fuhse. Village and corridor in the Peiner Nordkreis , published by the Peiner Allgemeine Zeitung, Peine: Peiner Allgemeine Zeitung, 1970


  • Hans Oelke: Georg Köstermann (July 26, 1913 - April 25, 1994). Pioneer of ornithology and bird photography in the Peiner area . In: Contributions to the natural history of Lower Saxony , Peine: Oelke, ISSN 0340-4277, 2013
  • Hans Oelke: Georg Köstermann - pioneer of ornithology and bird photography in the Peiner area . In: Festschrift for the 60th anniversary of the Peiner Biologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft von 1953 eV: 1953–2013 , Peine: Peiner Biologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft von 1953 eV, 2013.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e o. V .: Köstermann, Georg in the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library in the version of September 26, 2013, last accessed on June 4, 2020
  2. Information from the German National Library