Georg Korn (lawyer)

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Georg Korn (born September 15, 1837 in Frankfurt (Oder) ; † August 18, 1870 in front of Amanvillers ) was a German lawyer and historian.


Georg Anton Werner Korn was the son of a judiciary. He attended grammar schools in Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus and studied law in Breslau from 1858 to 1861 . He passed his first legal examination at the appellate court in Frankfurt and then worked as an auscultator at the district court in Cottbus. A work on historical documents kept in Cottbus led to Korn's appointment as secretary at the Provincial State Archives in Breslau . In 1863 he received his doctorate in law with the dissertation "De obnoxiatione et wadio antiquissimi juris germanici". During the German War , Korn took part in the battles of Skalitz and Königgrätz as a Landwehr lieutenant . In 1869 he qualified as a lecturer in law at the University of Breslau with the text "De jure creditoris in personam debitoris qui solvendi non est, secundum jus aevi medii germanicum".

At the Franco-German War took Georg grain in the Queen Elizabeth Grenadier Guards Regiment. 3 part. It fell in the storm on the heights of Amanvillers near Metz .



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