Colmar Grünhagen

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Colmar Grünhagen

Colmar Grünhagen (born April 2, 1828 in Trebnitz , Province of Silesia , † July 27, 1911 in Breslau ) was a German archivist and historian .

Live and act

Colmar Grünhagen was the son of a pharmacist. From 1841 to 1847 he attended the high schools St. Maria Magdalena and St. Elisabet in Breslau. He then studied history and classical philology at the universities of Jena , Berlin and Breslau . On December 21, 1850 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD . In March 1851 he passed the senior teacher examination in Breslau. From Easter 1853 he was an assistant teacher, a few months later a full teacher at the Friedrichs-Gymnasium in Breslau. After his habilitation in 1855, he was a private lecturer in history at the university. However, he did not leave school until March 11, 1862, when he became head of the Silesian Provincial Archives (since 1867 State Archives), which he remained until April 1, 1901. On December 18, 1866, he was appointed associate professor of history at the University of Breslau, where he taught until 1911. In 1873 he was given the title of Archive Councilor , and in 1885 he was promoted to the Secret Archive Councilor.

He was a member since 1859, from 1871 to 1905 director and then honorary president of the Association for the History and Antiquity of Silesia , honorary member of the Silesian Society for Patriotic Culture , since 1868 member of the board of the Association for the Museum of Silesian Antiquities, 1876 vice chairman and 1878 to 1884 its chairman . He was also an honorary member of the Royal Saxon Antiquities Association and a corresponding member of the Society for Thuringian Antiquities.


Grünhagen was from 1864 to 1905 editor of the journal of the Association for the History of Silesia. He published articles in the feature pages of the Breslau newspapers, the Prussian yearbooks, the magazine for Prussian history and regional studies, the magazine of the Association for the History of Silesia and the magazine of the Historical Society of the Province of Posen.

  • Vitae Urbani Secundi particula great . Dissertation, University of Halle-Wittenberg, 1848 [rather 1850]
  • Adalbert Archbishop of Hamburg and the idea of ​​a Nordic patriarchate . Brockhaus, Leipzig 1854
  • Otfrid and Heliand. Historical treatise . Habilitation thesis, University of Breslau, 1855
  • Henricus pauper. Bills of the city of Wroclaw from 1299–1358 . Max, Breslau 1860
  • Breslau under the Piasts as a German community . Max, Breslau 1861
  • Frederick the Great and the Breslauers in 1740 and 1741 . Korn, Breslau 1864
  • King John of Bohemia and Bishop Nanker of Breslau . Gerold, Vienna 1864 (from the Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Philosophical-Historical Class: Session Reports, Volume 47, pp. 4–102)
  • From the legendary circle of Frederick the Great . Wroclaw 1864
  • with Georg Korn : Regesta episcopatus Vratislaviensis . Volume 1: Up to the year 1302 . Hirt, Breslau 1864 (no more published)
  • with Wilhelm Wattenbach : Registrum St. Wenceslai. Max, Breslau 1865
  • About town chronicles and their appropriate promotion by the communal authorities with special consideration for Silesia . Maruschke & Berendt, Breslau 1865
  • Breslau after the Prussian occupation . Mittler, Berlin 1867
  • The hereditary brotherhood between Hohenzollern and Piast from 1537 , in: Journal for Prussian History and Regional Studies , Volume 5, Berlin 1868, pp. 337-366 ( online ).
  • Regesta on Silesian history. Max, Breslau 1868-1923; Volume 1: Up to the year 1250 . 1868; Volume 2: Up to the year 1280 . 1875; Volume 3: Up to the year 1300 . 1886; Volume 4: 1301/15 . 1892; Volume 5: 1316/26 . 1898; Volume 6: 1327/33 . 1903 (from volume 4 with Konrad Wutke)
  • Documents from the city of Brzeg . Max, Breslau 1870
  • Historical sources of the Hussite Wars . Max, Breslau 1871
  • The Hussite battles of the Silesians 1420–1435 . Shepherd, Breslau 1872
  • Signpost through the Silesian historical sources up to the year 1550 . Max, Breslau 1876; 2nd edition, 1889
  • History of the first Silesian war . 2 volumes, Gotha, 1881
  • with Hermann Markgraf: feudal and property deeds of Silesia and its individual principalities in the Middle Ages . 2 volumes, Hirzel, Leipzig 1881 and 1883; Reprint: Zeller, Osnabrück 1965
  • History of Silesia . 2 volumes, Perthes, Gotha 1884 and 1886; Volume 1: Until the Habsburg rule began in 1527 ; Volume 2: Until the unification with Prussia 1527–1740 ; Reprint: Ackerstaff & Kuballe, Osnabrück 1979
  • The old Silesian sovereigns and their meaning . Nischkowsky, Breslau 1886
  • Silesia under Frederick the Great . Volume 1: 1740-1756 . Koebner, Breslau 1890; Volume 2: 1756-1786 . Koebner, Breslau 1892; Reprint: Olms, Hildesheim [ua] 2006, ISBN 978-3-487-13309-6 (volume 1), ISBN 978-3-487-13310-2 (volume 2), ISBN 978-3-487-13308-9 (Complete works)
  • with Franz Wachter: files of the court martial from 1758 because of the surrender of Breslau on November 24, 1757 . Max, Breslau 1895
  • Zerboni and Held in their conflicts with state power 1796–1802 . F. Vahlen, Berlin 1897
  • Silesian memories of Gustav Freytag . Gustav Freytag Society, Kreuzburg 1910


  • Johannes Ziekursch: Obituary. In: 89th annual report of the Silesian Society for Patriotic Culture . 1911, Breslau 1912, Nekrolog, pp. 4-8
  • Heinrich Wendt: Colmar Grünhagen . In: Friedrich Andreae et al. (Ed.): Schlesische Lebensbilder. Volume 3, Korn [ua], Breslau [ua] 1928, pp. 362–371 (with portrait)
  • Johannes Zierkursch: Colmar Grünhagen . In: Anton Bettelheim (Hrsg.): Biographisches Jahrbuch and German Nekrolog. 16th year, 1911, Reimer, Berlin 1914, pp. 92–95 and col. 27 *
  • Otfried Schwarzer: Colmar Grünhagen. In: German history sheets . Volume XIII, 1912, pp. 73–79 (with catalog raisonné)
  • Franz Wiedemann: On Grünhagen's 100th birthdays . In: Silesian history sheets. Volume 19, 1928, Issue 2, pp. 25-28
  • Hubert Ermisch (Hrsg.): New archive for Saxon history and antiquity. Volume 32, Dresden 1911, pp. 404-405
  • Karl Masner and Hans Seger (eds.): Yearbook of the Silesian Museum for Applied Arts and Antiquities (= Silesian prehistory in pictures and writing. New series). Volume 10, Breslau 1934, pp. 5–6 (with picture)
  • Herrmann AL Degener (Ed.): Who is it? 5th edition, Degener, Leipzig 1911, p. 500; 6th edition, 1912, p. 1858
  • Kürschner's German Literature Calendar . 33rd year, 1911, col. 573 (with catalog raisonné); 34th year, 1912, col. 56 *
  • The week. Modern illustrated magazine . No. 32, August 18, 1911, p. 1363 (with portrait)
  • Götz von Selle : East German biographies. 365 resumes in brief descriptions . Holzner, Würzburg 1955, No. 87
  • Wolfgang Leesch : The German archivists 1500–1945. Volume 2: Biographical Lexicon. Saur, Munich a. a. 1992, ISBN 3-598-10605-X , pp. 203-204.
  • The Grünhagens management . In: Bruno Krusch : History of the State Archives to Breslau. Leipzig 1908, pp. 316-340
  • Hermann Markgraf: The association for history and antiquity of Silesia . Joseph Max & Comp., Breslau 1896, pp. 30, 33 and 36–49 (section The second quarter of a century of the association under the direction of Colmar Grünhagen , with illustration after p. 36).
  • Andreas Rüther : Borussian historical research on Silesia: Colmar Grünhagen (1828–1911) - career, school influences and spheres of activity . In: Joachim Bahlcke / Roland Gehrke (ed.): Scholars - Schools - Networks. Historical researcher in Silesia in the long 19th century, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar: Böhlau 2019 (New Research on Silesian History; 28), ISBN 978-3-412-51666-6 , pp. 217-256.

Web links

Wikisource: Colmar Grünhagen  - Sources and full texts