Georg Repsold

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Georg Repsold (born August 23, 1804 in Hamburg ; † September 30, 1885 there ) was a German technician and entrepreneur .


Georg Repsold was the eldest son of Johann Georg Repsold . His brother was Adolf Repsold . Repsold was trained as a mechanic in his father's workshop, which made astronomical instruments. He left his parents' home and at the age of 21 took over the company from David Christopher Mettlerkamp , which carried out roofing and other structural work. After his father's death in 1830, he also joined his father's business in order to continue running it together with his brother under the name A. & G. Repsold. Georg Repsold left this company in 1867. He ran the company of Mettlerkamp, ​​who had become his father-in-law after his marriage to his daughter in 1828, until 1865.

Repsold was involved in extinguishing the fire in Hamburg in May 1842 . From 1859 to 1870 he was a member of the Hamburg Parliament .

Georg Repsold married Maria Amalia, a daughter of David Christopher Mettlerkamp, ​​on June 22, 1828. They had a daughter Agnes Caroline (1839-1910).


In addition to his membership in the Hamburg Citizenship (1859–1870), Repsold held other offices:

  • 1827–1833 Captain of the 4th Company of the 1st Battalion of the Hamburg Citizens' Army
  • 1834–1837 second major in the 1st battalion of the Hamburg citizen military
  • In 1842, after the fire in Hamburg, he was a member of a commission for the assessment of commercial facilities
  • from 1843 “Justirbeamter” for weights and measures
  • 1845–1850 member of the library commission of the Patriotic Society
  • 1865 participant in deliberations in Frankfurt am Main on the introduction of common weights and measures in the German federal states
  • 1868–1870 member of the citizens' committee
  • 1869 participates in negotiations in Berlin on the determination of the implementation provisions of the North German Order of Measure and Weight for the North German Confederation
  • from 1869 member of the normal calibration commission
  • Appointed calibration inspector in 1870
  • from 1873 member of the inspection authority for ship surveying
  • 1876–1880 as a sworn expert for the Chamber of Commerce taxator for iron ships and machines


  • L. Loewenherz: On the history of the development of mechanical art . In: Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde . 17th year. Springer, Berlin 1887, chap. 2. The Repsold workshop in Hamburg, p. 208 f .
  • Wilhelm Heyden: The members of the Hamburg citizenship 1859–1862 . Festschrift for December 6, 1909. Herold in Komm., Hamburg 1909, p. 103-105 .
  • Joh. A. Repsold: Increased news about the Repsold family and in particular about Joh. Georg Repsold . Pontt & v. Döhren, Hamburg 1915.

Individual evidence

  1. Heinrich Schleiden attempt at a history of the great fire in Hamburg May 8, 1842 from 5 to . Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1843, p. 41, 46, 75, 193 ( online ).
  2. ^ Advertisement from Wednesday June 25, 1828 in the state and learned newspaper of the Hamburg impartial correspondent digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DvuQ1AQAAMAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPP767~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D
  3. ^ JM Lappenberg: Collection of the regulations of the free Hanseatic City of Hamburg since 1814 . 17th volume. Johann August Meißner, Hamburg 1844, p. 380 ( online ).
  4. Dr. Georg Hirth (ed.): Annals of the North German Confederation and the Customs Association for Legislation, Administration and Statistics . III. Volume - born in 1870. Stilke and van Muyden, Berlin 1870, p. 161 ( online ).