Georg Rudolph Lichtenstein

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Georg Rudolph Lichtenstein , also Georg Rudolf Lichtenstein (born February 16, 1747 in Helmstedt , † May 28, 1807 in Braunschweig ), was a German doctor and pharmacist .


Georg Rudolph Lichtenstein came from the originally Jewish Lichtenstein family and was born in Helmstedt in 1747 as the son of the local mayor Joachim Dietrich Lichtenstein . He studied from 1765 medicine at the University of Helmstedt , where he in 1769 to Dr. med. received his doctorate . He then worked as a doctor and also read as a Magister legens at the University of Helmstedt. His request for a medical chair, submitted in 1773, was initially rejected. Only after the death of the university professor Philipp Konrad Fabricius in 1774 did Lichtenstein become an associate professorappointed in medicine. After his father-in-law JL Wagner died in 1779, Lichtenstein received approval in 1780 to continue his pharmacy in Helmstedt. Despite the related ducal requirement to give up the medical profession, Lichtenstein continued to try to be a doctor. In 1804 he was appointed to Braunschweig as a garrison doctor. In the same year he was awarded the title of court counselor. This was followed by the appointment to the ducal Braunschweig personal physician.

Lichtenstein published on medical, mineralogical and chemical-pharmaceutical topics. He died in May 1807 at the age of 60 in Braunschweig. His sons were the physician Julius Georg Anton Lichtenstein (1778–1842) , who was also active in Helmstedt, and the pharmacist August Gerhard Gottfried Lichtenstein, who was born in 1780 . After the death of his father, the latter continued to run the Helmstedt pharmacy, initially together with his mother.

Fonts (selection)

  • De dispositione salium imprimis simplicium atque mixtorum . 1769. (dissertation)
  • Treatise on lactose and the different kinds of it . Publishing house of the orphanage bookstore, Braunschweig 1772.
  • From the benzoic salt . 1781.
  • Instructions for medical herbalism for doctors and pharmacists . 3 volumes. Verlag Johann Heinrich Kühnlin, Helmstedt 1782–1786. ( Digitized version )
  • Preparation of alcohol from Kornbrandt wine . 1786.
  • Safe and quick preparation of the sweet saltpeter naphtha . 1795.
