Georg Saleman

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Georg Saleman , also Salemann (* around 1670 in Reval ; † March 1729 in Copenhagen ) was a German-Baltic miniature painter .


Miniature of Princess Sophia Hedwig of Denmark (around 1698) in the Swedish National Museum in Stockholm

Georg Saleman was a son of the Lutheran clergyman and later Bishop of Estonia Joachim Salemann (the elder). His exact date of birth and his first education are not known. It is first detectable in Copenhagen around 1690. He created his portraits for the families of the Danish nobility and the royal family and was considered one of the most important miniaturists of his time in Denmark. In 1701 he was a co-signer of a petition to the king, with which the establishment of an artists' society ( art academy ) in Copenhagen was suggested. In 1724, Saleman delivered a series of miniatures of the royal family to Prince Carl of Denmark as a central work, some of which he made from the models of other portrait painters. His works can be found in Danish museums such as Frederiksborg Castle (according to Thieme-Becker ) and in private ownership.

Georg Saleman died in Copenhagen in March 1729 and was buried on March 22, 1729 in Helligåndskirken .


Web links

Commons : Georg Saleman  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. His life dates 1629–1701 speak against the assumption of a date of birth before 1665 for his son Georg Saleman, taking into account an academic training course.