Georges Anglade

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Georges Anglade (born July 18, 1944 in Port-au-Prince ; † January 12, 2010 ibid) was a Haitian- Canadian writer, geographer and politician .

Education and career

After graduating from general school in 1962, Anglade studied law in Port-au-Prince, where he graduated in 1965 with a bachelor's degree in law and a diploma in social sciences. He then continued his studies in Strasbourg , where he received his master's degree in applied geography in 1969 and, in parallel, a license en lettres in 1967 . After teaching at the Institute for Demography - since 1968 - he went to Montreal the following year, where he became a founding member of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and also taught there as a professor of geography until 2002. In his academic work he mainly dealt with the development and democracy problems of his homeland, but also with Cuba , theDominican Republic , Venezuela , Martinique or the Bahamas .

In his writing, Georges Anglade has dealt with the genre of the Lodyans , a literary genre that is specifically Haitian and is based on the work of Justin Lhérisson, both practically and theoretically .

The opposition to the Duvalier dictatorship was imprisoned in 1974 and exiled in the same year and then again in 1991 . In Montréal he founded the MAS (Mouvement haïtien de solidarité, Haitian solidarity movement ) and in 1990 published the manifesto La chance qui passe . In 1994 he became an advisor to the government of Aristide and was Minister for Public Affairs in 1995 and special advisor to the Préval government in 1996 .

Anglade died with his wife Mireille in the 2010 Haiti earthquake under the rubble of his house. He left two grown daughters.



  • Les Blancs de Mémoire. Montréal: Boréal, 1999.
  • Leurs jupons dépassent. Montréal: CIDIHCA (Bibliothèque haïtienne), 2000.
  • Ce pays qui m'habite. Outremont: Lanctôt, 2002.
  • Et si Haiti declarait la guerre aux USA? Montréal: Éditions Écosociété, 2004. (What if Haiti declares war on the USA? Germany: Peter Trier, 2007,978-3-940435-01-9)
  • Rire haïtien / Haitian Laughter, recueil bilingue de 90 lodyans de Georges Anglade. Trad. Anne Pease McConnell. Coconut Creek (Floride): Educa Vision, 2006. German edition: Das Lachen Haitis, Verlag Peter Trier, 2008 ISBN 3940435066


  • L'espace haïtien. Montréal: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1974.
  • Mon pays d'Haiti. Montréal: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1977.
  • Espace et liberté en Haiti. Montréal: Center de recherches Caraïbes, Université de Montréal, 1982, 144p.
  • Atlas critique d'Haïti. Montréal: Center de recherches Caraïbes, Université de Montréal, 1982, 80 pages, 18 cartes.
  • Cartes on table, en trois volumes. Port-au-Prince: Deschamps, 1990.
  • Chronique d'une espérance; L'Hebdo de Georges Anglade (2007-2008). Port-au-Prince: L'Imprimeur II, 2008.


  • Joseph-J Lévy: Espace d'une génération: Entretiens avec Georges Anglade , Paris: Liber, 2005, ISBN 2895780315

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