Georgi Petrovich Polkovnikov

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Georgi Polkownikov (September 1917)

Georgi Petrovich Polkovnikov ( Russian Георгий Петрович Полковников ; born February 23 . Jul / 7. March  1883 greg. In Staniza Kriwjanskaja , Oblast Woiska Donskogo, † March 1918 in Besuglowa at Orlowskaja ) was a Russian military, most recently Colonel .


Polkownikow, who came from a Cossack family - his father Pyotr Polkownikow (1850-1906) was a major general - was chief of the Petrograd military district during the October Revolution in autumn 1917 . Then he joined the white movement , for which he was involved in the formation of Kalmuck troops in the steppes south of the Don (Sadonskaya step) . He was captured and executed by red troops in March 1918 at the winter camp Besuglowa, in the Stanitsa Orlovskaya area .

His person provides one of the characters for the play Weiter… weiter… weiter! by Michail Schatrow .

See also

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