Gerd F. Kamiske

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Gerd F. Kamiske

Gerd Fritz Kamiske  (born September 11, 1932 in Goldbach, Mohrungen district ) is a German engineering scientist. He is considered a pioneer of quality management in Germany and Europe. He has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class.

Kamiske is the founder of the Quality Science Department at the TU Berlin and a founding member of the Society for Quality Science as well as an honorary member of the German Society for Quality (DGQ). He led research in this area and was editor of the QZ from 1997 to 2004. In the Pocket Power series from Carl Hanser-Verlag, over 100 volumes on various management topics were published under his direction from 1995. Until 1988 he was quality assurance manager in line and project responsibility at Volkswagen AG .


After fleeing East Prussia , Kamiske graduated from the Friedrich von Bodelschwingh Schools in Bethel in 1952 . In 1952 he began studying mechanical engineering (specializing in factory organization and manufacturing technology) at the TU Braunschweig . Through his participation in a lecture given by Heinrich Nordhoff in the winter semester of 1956/57, he met the then assistant and later chairman of the board, Carl H. Hahn , on an excursion to Volkswagen AG .

On November 15, 1957, he began a traineeship at Volkswagen AG and did his doctorate from 1959 to 1961. From 1961 to 1963 he set up a test laboratory in South Africa. From 1963 he headed the testing laboratory at the Braunschweig plant and one and a half years later became head of inspection. Under the direction of Claus Borgward, he developed the mechanization / automation of the test with the involvement of the employees. At the same time, he was involved in the Volkswagen of America project, product liability process in Milwaukee. In addition, he was in charge of quality assurance at the Salzgitter plant. With the start of "Volkswagen of Westmoreland" he became Quality Assurance Manager Wolfsburg and deputy of Claus Borgward. At the same time, he accompanied the NISSAN-Santana and Shanghai-Volkswagen projects with a trip to Hyundai in South Korea.

From 1984 he first came into contact with Walter Edwards Deming's management theories and the Toyota production system , which strongly influenced his later scientific work.

Quality science at the TU Berlin

On September 29, 1988, under the direction of Kamiske, the Department of Quality Science was established at the Technical University of Berlin at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management. VW donated the development phase for the new chair. Kamiske was full professor at the TU Berlin until the farewell colloquium on September 29, 1994. He led quality science for another four years until a successor was appointed.

Around 400 study and diploma theses and 24 doctorates were completed under his leadership.


  • In 1996 he and his research associate Christian Malorny received the European Quality Award for top research for his scientific work.
  • On October 19, 2001, Kamiske received the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class, from the Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture, Thomas Oppermann , for the foundation of quality science and his extensive research in this area.

Publications (selection)

  • Manual of QM Methods: Choosing the right method and implementing it successfully . 3rd act. u. exp. Ed., Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich / Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-446-44388-4 .
  • Quality assurance - practical knowledge . Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-446-44515-4 .
  • with Jörg-Peter Brauer: Quality management from A - Z: Important terms of quality management and their meaning . 7th act. u. exp. Edition, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich / Vienna 2011, ISBN 978-3-446-42581-1 .
  • The way to the top: With Total Quality Management to Business Excellence - The Guide . Hanser, 1998, ISBN 3-446-19366-9 .
  • The quality assurance manager: indispensable - and sometimes misunderstood . Books on Demand, 2014, ISBN 3-7357-9810-1 .
  • Quality techniques for engineers . Symposion Publishing, 2009, ISBN 3-939707-62-7 .
  • BASTA ! Innovation and Quality Management for Politics , 2005.
  • Quality science for managers. Success makes you sexy! 2005
  • Efficiency and quality. Systematically to success . Symposion Publishing, ISBN 978-3-939707-64-6 .
  • Leading with a kick! for business executives . Lehmanns media, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86541-381-9 .
  • Management systems - assessment, auditing and certification . Symposion Publishing, Düsseldorf 2008, ISBN 978-3-939707-02-8 .
  • Technical risk and crisis management . Symposion Publishing, ISBN 978-3-939707-10-3 .
  • When TQM came to Germany ... from the perspective of a contemporary witness . lehmanns media, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-86541-380-2 .

Web links


  1. a b
  2. Pocket Power - Special - Hanser Fachbuch. Retrieved August 15, 2017 .