Gerhard Froboess

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Gerhard Froboess (born May 10, 1906 in Weißwasser / Oberlausitz , † February 26, 1976 in Berlin ) was a German composer , master sound engineer and publisher .


Living in Berlin, he sent his pregnant wife Margaretha to Wriezen because of the bombing raids in 1943 , where their daughter Cornelia was born in October .

In the early 1940s he worked as a master sound engineer in films such as " Kohlhiesels Töchter " or " Das Mädchen Juanita ". In the 1950s and 1960s Froboess mainly worked as a composer and publishing director. He also worked as a copywriter. During this time he took the pseudonym Erich Langenfeld.

Froboess wrote film and entertainment music . Many of his compositions and arrangements were sung by his daughter Cornelia, including the song “Pack die Badehose ein” with a text by Hans Bradtke , which his daughter Cornelia presented in May 1951 on a stage, which is still known today . This very popular song was then sung in the GDR by the cabaret artist Gina Presgott with slightly different lyrics. If it still says in the original: " and then nothing like going out to Wannsee ", a lake in the western part of Berlin, the same section in the GDR version reads: " and then nothing like going out to the lido ". (Another GDR version, with the text " Put your swimming trunks in, you better stop bathing, because the American shoots at the Wannsee ", the conditions of the Cold War at that time, especially an incident at the Wannsee in which a little girl got through an American bullet was injured.)

As head of the Berlin music publishers "Edition Metronom Gerhard Froboess KG" and "Musikverlag Melodie Froboess und Budde KG", Froboess published this and other songs in Verlag Melodie.

Compositions for his daughter Cornelia

In 1951, Gerhard Froboess originally composed today's catchy tune “Pack your swimming trunks” for the Schöneberg Boys' Choir , but they did not want to sing the song. His daughter, then eight years old, took over and performed many of his compositions from then on:

  • 1951:
    • Pack your swimming trunks (Verlag Melodie)
    • O, this Jöre (Verlag Melodie)
    • Hey, hey, hey, such a snowball fight (Verlag Melodie)
  • 1952: I prefer to play ick uff our court, (Verlag Melodie)
  • 1953: Mutti's hands / I marry Pappi (Verlag Melodie), written under the pseudonym Langenfeld
  • 1955: Bimbo (Verlag Melodie), composed under the pseudonym Langenfeld
  • 1958: Little Lucienne, (Electrola)
  • 1960:
    • Who will be the first (Electrola)
    • Not so shy young man (Electrola)
    • Lake Maggiore, (Electrola)
  • 1964: In Tati-Tati-Tita, (Electrola)
  • 1966: And Life Goes On (Polydor)
  • 1967: The summer ballad of poor Louise (Electrola)


Gerhard Froboess published the monthly magazine "Melodie" from 1946 to 1949:

  • Melody: Illustrated magazine for music, film and theater friends , editor: Gerhard Froboess; Berlin: Froboess and Schlag, later: Froboess and Budde; 1946-49

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Famous Wannsee Songs: Swimming Trunks and Freckles ( Memento of the original from October 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Der Tagesspiegel: Shots at Wannsee ( Memento from May 18, 2007 in the Internet Archive )