Gerhard Lorich

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Gerhard Lorich (* 1485 in Hadamar ; † before 1553) was a German Catholic reform theologian.


Gerhard Lorich was born in 1485 as the son of the Johann Lorich cellar into an influential family of scholars and officials in the region around Hadamar. His brothers Joseph Lorich and Reinhard Lorich also pursued a scholarly career , the latter, however, as a Protestant theologian.

Gerhard Lorich was enrolled to study law in Heidelberg in 1509 and in Cologne in 1510 . In 1511 and 1519 he took over benefices at the Liebfrauenkirche in his hometown. In later records he is referred to as "Lutheran-minded". In 1520/21 he traveled to Wittenberg , the center of the Reformation , where his younger brother Reinhard began studying at that time.

In 1525 the renunciation of his benefices and the marriage of Lorich is recorded. In 1536, however, his pamphlets began to oppose the Reformation and for the Catholic cause. In the same year Lorich seems to have taken over the parish of Wetzlar and to have been the owner of a parish in Hadamar again. A religious conversation with Martin Bucer , among others, is guaranteed in Marburg for 1539 . That year his brother Reinhard was rector of the university there.

In 1540 Lorich tried to reintroduce the mass in his hometown, but the sovereigns prevented this. He left Hadamar and was officially revoked from the local parish in 1546. In the following years there seems to have been several changes of his whereabouts, also due to pamphlets and theological disputes. A stay in Johannisberg Monastery is guaranteed in 1542 and in the Augustinian Monastery in Mainz in 1544 . From June 1547 Lorich traded as a pastor in Worms . In 1548 he took part in the Trier Interim Commission in Wetzlar and in 1549 in the Mainz Provincial Synod. His last publication also dates from this year: Reformationis abusuum cleri formula .


Lorich's work is characterized by attempts to implement the demands of the Reformation within the Catholic Church as far as possible. He places a special emphasis on practical questions of community pastoral care. Among other things, he advocates the admission of lay sermons within a certain framework and wants to limit the number of altars to one per church. The Institutio Catholica, De missa publica proroganda from 1536, which is an unusually popular and practical catechism, is considered to be the most influential work .


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