Gerhard von Lenten

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Gerhard von Lenten , also Gerd von Lenten (* in Lübeck ; † July 9, 1533 ibid) was a German politician and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Gerhard von Lenten was the son of the tailor of the same name († after 1494) in Lübeck. In 1461, the father had acquired half of the village of Westerau together with the Lübeck councilor and later mayor Andreas Geverdes , and in 1477 established the Westerau Foundation to support the needy from this.

Gerhard von Lenten was elected councilor in Lübeck in 1528. When Jürgen Wullenwever joined the council in the spring of 1533 , the eight oldest councilors, including von Lenten, were urged to resign. A little later von Lenten died.

He was married to Wobbeke, a daughter of Councilor Hartwig Stange, and lived in the house at Sandstrasse 20 in Lübeck. The councilor Heinrich von Calven was his brother-in-law.
