Heinrich of Calven

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Heinrich von Calven , also Hinrich von Calven , Hinrik von Calven and Heinrich van Calven (* before 1459 in Lübeck ; † April 8, 1504 ibid) was a German politician and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Heinrich von Calven was the son of the Lübeck mayor Wilhelm von Calven . In 1459 he was enrolled at the University of Erfurt . In 1468 he appears as the youngest carnival poet . Like his ancestors, he was a member of the circle society from 1470 .

Seven years after the death of his father, he was elected to the council in 1472, making him the third Lübeck councilor in a row in his family. In the years 1476 to 1482 he represented the interests of Lübeck as bailiff of the two-city office of Bergedorf . In the city he lived in the Brömserhof property that his father had taken over , and in front of the gates he owned the Stockelsdorf , Mori and Groß Schenkenberg estates .

Around 1469 he married Mette von Lenten in Lübeck , the daughter of the dressmaker Gerhard von Lenten († after 1494) and sister of the councilor Gerhard von Lenten . His daughter Geseke married the future mayor Thomas von Wickede .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Yearbook of the Association for Low German Language Research , Volume 27 (1875), Verlag Diedr. Soltau, north u. Leipzig 1901 ( digitized version )
  2. Sonja Dünnebeil: The Lübeck Circle Society. Forms of self-portrayal of an urban upper class , publications on the history of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck, Volume 27, page 210, Archive of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck, 1996, ISBN 3795004659 ( excerpt )
  3. ^ Dietrich Schäfer:  Wickede, Thomas v . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 42, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1897, p. 319 f.