Gero Künzel

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Gero Künzel (* 1962 in Erfurt ) is a German painter . He lives and works in Hausdorf near Leipzig .

life and work

Gero Künzel is considered the last master student of the artist Bernhard Heisig . He first attended the evening academy at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig from 1977 to 1981 , before starting to study painting with Dietrich Burger , Volker Stelzmann and Bernhard Heisig from 1983 to 1988 , with whom he completed his master class until 1991.

In the tradition of Oskar Kokoschka , Ernst Hassebrauk , Hartwig Ebersbach and Bernhard Heisig, Gero Künzel paints his expressive pictures. With a spatula and brush, he models relief-like, three-dimensional paintings. The artist worked on his works for many months. In doing so, he composes, discards and paints over the canvases over and over again. Künzel has neither templates nor preliminary drawings. His portrait heads and landscapes arise solely from an inner intention.

His diploma thesis Portraits of My Friends was already based on this working method. With his diploma came his first solo exhibitions. Shortly after the fall of the Wall , he exhibited in the Schwind Gallery in Frankfurt am Main, where he is still represented today.

Factory locations


  • Karl Schwind (Ed.): Gero Künzel. Ivory tower . Edition Galerie Schwind, Frankfurt am Main 2009, ISBN 3-932830-52-0 .
  • Karl Schwind (Ed.): Gero Künzel. Pictures . Edition Galerie Schwind, Leipzig 2018, ISBN 978-3-932830-75-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Schwind (Ed.): Gero Künzel - Pictures . Edition Schwind, Leipzig 2018, ISBN 978-3-932830-75-4 , pp. 4th f .