Gert Willner

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Gert Willner (born April 16, 1940 in Deutsch Gabel , † March 23, 2000 in Quickborn ) was a German politician ( CDU ).

education and profession

Willner first completed an administrative training course, which he completed with a degree in administration, and then worked as a consultant in the Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein . From 1974 to 1992 he was mayor of the city of Quickborn and in this capacity founded the Quickborn children's aid organization Kinder in Not together with Felix Magath and Richard Jansen in 1987 . He was a volunteer member of the Presidium and Legal Committee of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities . After leaving office, Willner became the managing director of an association of housing companies in 1992. In 1992 he became an expert on the study commission"Local constitutional law of the Landtag Schleswig-Holstein" appointed; at the same time he was a member of a commission of experts for the amendment of the municipal constitution in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .

Honorary positions in politics

1974 Willner joined the CDU; from 1981 he was a member of the district board and from 1991 a member of the state board of the CDU Schleswig-Holstein. From 1988 to 1992 he was state chairman of the CDU's local political association in Schleswig-Holstein; from 1991 he was also a member of the federal executive committee, most recently as deputy federal chairman. In 1996 he became district chairman of the CDU district association Pinneberg .

Member of the German Bundestag

In 1994, Willner was elected as the successor to MP Ingrid Roitzsch in constituency 007 (Pinneberg) with a direct mandate in the German Bundestag . There he was a member of the Committee for Spatial Planning, Housing and Urban Development and the Interior Committee. He was deputy chairman of the working group for local politics of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group and secretary. After his re-election in 1998, he sat in the committee for transport, building and housing as well as in the study commission “Future of Civic Engagement”. When the European Union finally banned the duty-free movement of goods on June 30, 1999, Willner was able to convince the then Federal Minister of Finance, Theo Waigel , to use the island of Heligoland , which was part of his constituency, on the basis of the customs agreement in the internationally binding Heligoland Treaty between England and the German Reich from July 1, 1890 to exempt from this ban. Such commercial transactions are still a major source of income for the island today.

Gert Willner died in 2000 after a long and serious illness; he rests in the forest cemetery in Quickborn. Helmut Lamp moved up for him in the Bundestag.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 30,000 euros for children in need. In: Hamburger Wochenblatt , November 26, 2013 ( Memento from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Obituary by the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse in the meeting on March 24, 2000
  3. BT-Drs. 15/2512, p. 8