Gertrud Bünner

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Gertrud Valeska Bünner (born March 13, 1912 in Dortmund ; † July 24, 2011 in Stuttgart ) was a German rhythmist .

Live and act

Gertrud Bünner went to school in Essen , where she also graduated from high school. She then studied at the Pedagogical Academy in Dortmund (founded in 1929) and chose music or rhythmic-musical education as an elective. After completing his training and voluntary labor service, Bünner worked as a primary school teacher at the Großburgwedel institutional school . From 1934 to 1936 she worked as an assistant teacher at a suburban school in Essen. At the same time, she studied, initially part-time, at the Folkwang School for music, dance and speaking in Essen. There taught Elfriede Feudel , decisive influence on the Bünner. In 1938 she passed the second teaching examination and the state rhythm teacher examination. Bünner then worked mainly in the training and further education of teachers: from 1941 to 1945 as a lecturer in the subjects of music and rhythm, first at the teacher training institute in Bad Godesberg , after 1945 for two years at the Pedagogical Academy in Bonn .

In 1949 Bünner was appointed to the rhythmic seminar of the State University of Music in Stuttgart , where Liselotte Pistor was already leading a rhythmic seminar . Together with her and Wilma Ellersiek , she fought vehemently in the 1970s against the schooling of musicality in preschool age . For example, instead of the rigid music programs, the music schools should offer courses for mothers (parents) and teachers in which they learn theoretically and practically how to support the toddler , not the preschooler, through games, songs and environmental design.

After her retirement in 1979, Bünner volunteered in the working group for rhythmic education . She was also a board member of the Federal Association for Rhythmic Education. V. , which she co-founded. She also gave rhythm courses at home and abroad. Together with Hildegard Tauscher , she worked on the manuscript on Émile Jaques-Dalcroze in 1967 : 'Rhythmic-musical education' .


Works (selection)

  • Reply to the presentation and the 10 questions by Peter Fuchs, in: Bruno Tetzner (Ed.): Resonanzen, 10th circular of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Musik in NRW, Remscheid 1967, pp. 71–88
  • together with Peter Röthig (Ed.): Fundamentals and methods of rhythmical education, Stuttgart 1971
  • together with Holmrike Leiser: Rhythmic-musical education, in: Eva Bannmüller / Peter Röthing (ed.): Fundamentals and perspectives of aesthetic and rhythmic movement education, Stuttgart 1990, pp. 153-182


  • “AFH employee in self-portrait: Gertrud Bünner”, in: Musica , 1963, no. 6, pp. 145–146.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cit. n. Document, archived in the Ida-Seele archive
  2. The broadcast was broadcast on WDR on January 24, 1967, 3rd program, document in the Ida-Seele archive