Gertrud Wronka

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Gertrud Wronka (born October 27, 1881 in Allenstein , † October 16, 1952 in Bad Pyrmont ) was a German teacher and politician ( center , CDU ) and member of the Prussian and Thuringian state parliaments .

education and profession

Gertrud Wronka attended the municipal high school for girls in Allenstein and from 1897 to 1900 trained at the teachers ' seminar at the Marienschule in Gdansk . She then worked as a teacher in Bonn , Danzig and Allenstein. From 1909 to 1913 she studied mathematics and natural sciences at the University of Breslau , where she passed the senior teacher exam. Since Easter 1913 she has been teaching at the municipal lyceum and upper lyceum (Luisenschule) in Allenstein, and since autumn 1925 as a senior teacher. After the National Socialists came to power , she was released in 1933 for "political unreliability" and temporarily imprisoned.


Gertrud Wronka was a member of the center. In 1919 she was elected to the Prussian state constitutional assembly and then to the Prussian state parliament until 1933.

After the expulsion, Ms. Wronka fled to Weimar in 1945 . She was one of the founders of the CDU in Thuringia and was a member of the state executive committee. In the state elections in the Soviet Zone in 1946 , she was elected to the state parliament and was chair of the application committee there.

In May 1948 she was forced to resign and fled to West Germany.

Other offices

Gertrud Wronka was involved in Catholic lay work and held various functions in the Association of Catholic German Teachers , which campaigned for an independent education for girls.


  • Peter Rütters: Gertrud Wronka - A Catholic women's career in the first half of the 20th century. In: Historisch-Politische Mitteilungen: Archive for Christian Democratic Politics , edition 14/2007, p. 137. Abstract (PDF; 20 kB)
  • Martin Broszat , Gerhard Braas, Hermann Weber [eds.]: SBZ manual. State administrations, parties, social organizations and their executives in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany 1945–1949. Oldenbourg, Munich 1993 (2nd edition), ISBN 3486552627 , page 1061.
  • Ernst Kienast (Ed.): Handbook for the Prussian Landtag , edition for the 5th electoral period, Berlin 1933, p. 401.
  • Herrmann AL Degener (Ed.): Who is it? 9th edition, Leipzig 1928, p. 1730.