Gertrud de Lalsky

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Gertrud de Lalsky, 1908

Gertrud de Lalsky (born January 27, 1878 in Danzig ; † September 16, 1958 in Berlin ) was a German actress .


She performed with Resemann's Ensemble in New York as early as 1899 and has played at the Krefeld City Theater since 1900 . Further stations in her theater career were stages in Dresden, Vienna, Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main.

Since 1923 Gertrud de Lalsky has been part of the cast of various Berlin venues, for example the art theater , renaissance theater , comedy house and plaza theater. In German silent films, she was initially the leading actress. In one of her first films, Katharina the Great (1920), she played Elisabeth , Empress of Russia, in three of the four Fridericus Rex films from 1921 to 1923 Sophie Dorothea , Queen of Prussia. In later years, Gertrud de Lalsky became a frequently cast supporting actress in German film.


Web links

Commons : Gertrud de Lalsky  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. Year of birth 1878 according to Kay Less : The large personal dictionary of the film . IMDb states 1880 as the year of birth.
  2. ↑ Date of death according to Kay Less: The film's great personal dictionary . IMDb and Filmportal name December 1958 as the date of death.