History of Video Games 1947–1969

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The early history of computer games denotes an era that lasted from 1947 to 1969 . This article lists all the important dates from this era.


High-performance computer EDSAC from 1949, running the game OXO

The first early games were developed and played almost exclusively on mainframes or mini-computers , mostly at universities or research institutions. In some cases, analog computers were also used.


The first game console, the Magnavox Odyssey by Ralph Baer , did not appear until 1972; however, development began in 1968.

Arcade games

The first coin-operated slot machines with video game graphics (mainly vector or raster graphics) appeared from 1971. Before that there were only (electro) mechanical arcade games and other amusement machines such as pinball machines .

Popular genres of the time

Due to the limited (graphic) capabilities of the hardware and the advancing space research, mainly computer simulation games and shooters (mostly with space themes in black space), as well as simple text games and mathematical games appeared.

Steve Russell at a PDP-1 computer (2007)

Important developers / companies

Chronicle / most important games of the decade



OXO (1952)


See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. GBS-DIA-2005-001. (PDF) Archived from the original on June 10, 2010 ; accessed on March 13, 2014 .