Geschwister-Scholl-Schule Konstanz

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Sibling Scholl School
Geschwister-Scholl-Schule Konstanz 2019.jpg
type of school School association
(grammar school, secondary school,
orientation level)
founding 1976

Schwaketenstrasse 112

place Constancy
country Baden-Württemberg
Country Germany
Coordinates 47 ° 41 '13 "  N , 9 ° 9' 51"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 41 '13 "  N , 9 ° 9' 51"  E
carrier City of Constance
student 1500
Teachers 140
management Thomas Adam

The Geschwister-Scholl-Schule Konstanz (GSS) is the largest school in Konstanz. It was founded in 1976 as a cooperative comprehensive school and has been continued since 1986 as a school association consisting of a grammar school, secondary school and technical secondary school . Furthermore, all types of schools are connected to one another by an orientation level that includes grades 5 and 6. The students can choose between the focal points (profiles) in the scientific, linguistic, sporting or musical / artistic area.

The Geschwister-Scholl-Schule is also the largest school in Konstanz , sponsored by the city of Konstanz and, thanks to its type of school, the cooperative comprehensive school in Baden-Württemberg, is a rarity.

Originally there was also a secondary school branch at the school. For the school year 2010/2011 this branch was expanded into a Werkrealschule.

School building, architecture and equipment

The Geschwister-Scholl-Schule is a typical functional building from the 1970s, in the planning and construction of which primarily the materials concrete, steel and glass were used. The image of the school is primarily shaped by the expansive window facades and the exposed concrete architecture . The roof surfaces are built in flat construction. A large sports hall, which can be divided into three thirds of the hall, with a gym and weight room is attached to the school. In 2005, the canteen area began to be significantly expanded and fundamentally rebuilt, so that it now has more than 100 seats and a spacious counter for serving food.

However, the relationship between the dimensions of the building and the number of students proves to be structurally problematic, as this is now well above the originally planned maximum number of students.

The school was added to the list of monuments in 2017 as a cultural monument.

All day area

The compulsory lessons usually take place in the morning, the hours of the elective area and homework supervision fall in the afternoon. Only a few classes or groups have lessons on Friday afternoons; there are generally no lessons on Saturday.

The Geschwister-Scholl-Schule offers the pupils of the orientation level the opportunity to take part in the all-day area.

Student exchange

Student exchanges are offered in different grades with partner schools in Czluchów (Poland), Fontainebleau (France) and Richmond (England).

Working groups

Working groups on various topics (film, computer, etc.) are organized together with various other schools in the city area and the surrounding area.

Known students

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Three ideas from Constance for the largest school in Constance. November 21, 2012, accessed December 10, 2014 .
  2. Kirsten Schlüter: Konstanz abolishes secondary school. In: Südkurier . April 23, 2009. Retrieved January 16, 2012 .
  3. ^ Südkurier Medienhaus: Konstanz: Monument protection for the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule: What the decision means for Konstanz students and parents | SÜDKURIER Online . In: SÜDKURIER Online . ( [accessed on November 24, 2017]).