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2011-10-03 Onygena corvina.jpg

Gewöll horn mushroom ( Onygena corvina )

Class : Eurotiomycetes
Subclass : Eurotiomycetidae
Order : Onygenales
Family : Onygenaceae (Onygenaceae)
Genre : Onygena
Type : Gewöll-Hornpilz
Scientific name
Onygena corvina
Alb. & Pig.  : Fr.

The Gewöll horn mushroom ( Onygena corvina ) is a type of mushroom from the Onygenaceae family .


The fruiting body is stemmed and head-shaped and looks like a tiny pestle . The heads are about 1 to 2 millimeters wide and beige-brown in color. They are sticky on the outside. The stem part has a length of about 5 to 6 millimeters and is whitish. The spores are formed in the heads. Eight spores are located in spherical to egg-shaped asci . The peridia of the cephalic part falls apart at maturity, releasing the asci. Later they degenerate and release the spores. The spore powder is pale brownish. The spores measure 5.5 to 6.5 x 2.5 to 3 micrometers. They are more or less hyaline , elliptical, smooth and have 2 oil droplets.


The horn mushroom grows on animal wool, feathers or the spines of dead hedgehogs. It occurs rarely and can be found from September to November, in some cases it is stated in the literature until spring.

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