Gianna Olinda Cadonau

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Gianna Olinda Cadonau (* 1983 in Panaji , India ) is a Swiss writer in Romansh and German .

Life / work

Gianna Olinda Cadonau came from an orphanage in Goa to a teacher couple in Scuol , where she grew up. She attended the Hochalpine Institut in Ftan and studied international relations in Geneva and cultural management in Winterthur .

Cadonau is responsible for promoting culture at Lia Rumantscha and is a member of the culture commission of the Canton of Graubünden . She also directs the La Vouta cultural theater in Lavin .

Cadonau is married; the couple has a son. Cadonau lives in Winterthur.


In 2016, Cadonau, with whom her mother spoke Swiss German and her father spoke Romansh, published the bilingual volume of poetry Ultim'ura da la not / Last Hour of the Night (Romansh and German) with Edition Mevina Puorger ( ISBN 978-3-9524584-1 -9 ).


  • 2017: Terra Nova award from the Swiss Schiller Foundation for Ultim'ura da la not / Last Hour of the Night

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Nossa litteratura - Gianna Olinda Cadonau. In: Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha . October 27, 2017, accessed on November 13, 2019 (Romansh).
  2. a b c Susanne Holz: "I like the sparse poetry". In: Zug culture. April 5, 2019, accessed on November 13, 2019 (Swiss Standard German).
  3. ^ Gianna Olinda Cadonau: Pathos. In: Engadiner Post / Posta Ladina, November 28, 2017, accessed on November 7, 2019 (Swiss Standard German, Infobox).
  4. a b Gianna Olinda Cadonau. In: Viceversa literature. Retrieved on November 7, 2019 (Romansh, Swiss Standard German).
  5. Gianna Olinda Cadonau. In: editionmevinapuorger. Retrieved on November 7, 2019 (Romansh, Swiss Standard German).