Give me back my children

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German title Give me back my children
Original title Semi-Precious
Whose Daughter Is She?
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1995
length 89 minutes
Director Frank Arnold
script Cindy Myers
production Philip K. Kleinbart
music John Frizzell
camera Isidore Mankofsky
cut David Codron

Give me my children back is an American television - drama from the year 1995 . The original film is both Semi-Precious and Whose Daughter Is She? known.


The overwhelmed mother Cathy quickly leaves her family and leaves her husband Steve with their two children, Andrea and Brad. Three years later Steve married Laura and four years later he died, so that Laura took care of Andrea and Brad as a single mother. All three still live in Steve's house, so that after a few more years Cathy can easily find them again. When Laura notices that Cathy is back, she wants to prevent Andrea and Brad from contacting them. But she comes too late because Cathy has already made contact with both of them, Brad being absolutely disapproving, while Andrea is torn between Laura and her real mother Cathy.

After Cathy asked Laura to have contact with her children, this impression was confirmed. While Brad is still disapproving, Andrea feels drawn to her mother and the possible life together in Chicago. That in turn scares Laura because she thinks she is losing her children. Especially since she never adopted either of them and the law is not on her side. Their fear also seems to be confirmed, because when Andrea finds out that Laura has withheld the important greeting cards for her birthday and Christmas for all these years, they both start arguing. To solve her problems with Andrea, Laura demands that Cathy go away. But instead Cathy feels challenged, but Laura leads the life with the children and the house, which was originally intended for Cathy. Therefore Cathy also fights for her children. While Brad refuses any contact despite the advances, Andrea likes the idea of ​​living in Chicago.

Laura begins to reproach Cathy and tells her how difficult it was to love a traumatized man like Steve, who constantly lived with the fear of being abandoned. Cathy doesn't want to forgive herself for not being stronger. But now she wants her children again. Laura can only follow the advice of her mother that children choose their parents themselves and that she must be big enough to let Andrea and Brad decide. Brad decides to stay while Andrea comes to Chicago with him. There she meets Anthony, Cathy's fiancé. He is happy to get to know Andrea, but explains to her right away that he wants a life of his own and his own children with Cathy. This made Andrea feel pushed back. She no longer feels safe and secure and misses her old life. Although Cathy tried hard and even achieved a reconciliation with Brad, she has to admit that Andrea misses Laura and that she is now her mother.


In the USA, the film was shown for the first time on September 24, 1995 on television, before it was broadcast for the first time in Germany on February 21, 1996 on RTL .

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