Gioacchino Criaco

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Gioacchino Criaco (born March 3, 1965 in Africo , Calabria ) is an Italian writer .


Criaco attended the Lyceum in Locri , received a scholarship for talented students and studied law in Bologna . He then worked as a lawyer in Milan for twenty years .

His first novel Anime nere was published in 2008 and is about three young people who set themselves up as criminals in the existing Italian society, in both the south and the north. In 2014, Francesco Munzi created the film of the same name based on motifs from the novel, which was nominated at the Venice International Film Festival , among others .

Criaco has since given up the legal profession and lives as a writer in Africo and Milan.


Gioacchino Criaco's father, Domenico, was killed in a blood feud in 1993 . His brother Pietro Criaco was one of the most wanted criminals in Italy and was sentenced to prison for mafia offenses.


  • Anime nere. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008
    • Black souls. Novel. Translation of Karin Fleischanderl. Folio, Vienna 2016.
  • Zefira. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2009.
  • American Taste. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2011.
  • Perduta gente. Lantana, Rome 2012.
  • La Maligreda . Feltrinelli, Milano 2018.
    • The Sons of the Winds. Novel. Translation of Karin Fleischanderl. Folio, Vienna and Bolzano 2019.


  • Corrado Stajano : Africo. Una cronaca italiana di governanti e governati, di mafia, di potere e di lotta. Einaudi, Turin 1979.
  • Nicola Gratteri , Antonio Nicaso : Fratelli di sangue: la 'ndrangheta tra arretratezza e modernità: da mafia agro-pastorale a holding del crimine: la storia, la struttura, i codici, le ramificazioni. Pellegrini, Cosenza 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Henning Klüver : Luigi, Luciano and me. Review. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , April 9, 2016, p. 24.
  2. Nicola Gratteri, Antonio Nicaso: Fratelli di Sangue. Luigi Pellegrini Editore, Cosenza 2007.