Giovanni Cavalli

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Рисунок к статье «Кавалли, Джиованни».  Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915) .jpg

Giovanni Cavalli (born July 23, 1808 in Turin , † December 23, 1879 ibid) was an Italian lieutenant general and inventor of the rifled breech-loading gun .

Effective range

Cavalli was assigned to Sweden by the Piedmontese army in 1846 and 1847 to oversee the casting of iron gun barrels . He worked in Åkers styckebruk and in Stafsjö , where he made experiments with rear-loaded rifled gun barrels. The Piedmontese artillery was the first force to have some rifled breech loading guns. They were used in the siege of Gaeta (1860/61).

Cavalli became commander of the Military Academy in 1865 and a member of the Council of the Military Order of Savoy in 1869 . He retired in July 1879.


  • Giovanni Cavalli, Mémoire sur les canons se chargeant par la culasse, sur les canons rayés etc. , Paris, 1849
  • Giovanni Cavalli, Aperçu sur les canons rayés se chargeant par la bouche et par la culasse, et sur les perfectionnements à apporter à l'art de la guerre en 1861 , Turin, 1862
  • Giovanni Cavalli, Mémoire sur les éclatements remarquables des canonsen Belgique, de 1857 à 1858, et ailleurs à cause des poudres brisantes , Turin, 1868


  • Jack Greene, Alessandro Massignani, Ironclads at War: The Origin and Development of the Armored Battleship , Publisher: Da Capo Press, 1998, ISBN 978-0-938289-58-6

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Giovanni Cavalli, entry in the Meyers Lexicon 1905