Giovanni Fattori

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Self-portrait by Giovanni Fattori ( 1854 )

Giovanni Fattori (born October 25, 1825 in Livorno , † August 30, 1908 in Florence ) was an Italian painter. He was a representative of the Macchiaioli artist group .


He came from a middle-class background and studied with Giuseppe Baldini in Livorno and from 1846 at the Accademia di Belli Arti in Florence. In Florence he studied with Giuseppe Bezzuoli and especially the frescoes by Ghirlandaio and Filippino Lippi . In 1848/49 he took part in the independence movement. Under the influence of Giovanni Costa (Nino Costa) he joined the Macchiaioli , who practiced realistic open-air painting, set apart from the academic painting of their time . He was friends with the representatives of the Macchiaioli Telemaco Signorini , Adriano Cecioni , Vincenzo Cabianca and Cristiano Banti . In a competition for a battle picture, he emerged victorious in 1861 (The Italian field after the Battle of Magenta , today in the Galleria d Arte Moderna in Florence). In 1875 he was briefly in Paris , where he was influenced by Camille Corot and admired Édouard Manet . From 1873 to 1880 he painted in the Campagna Romana and from 1880 to 1890 in the Maremma in Tuscany . In 1895 he became a professor of landscape painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence.

He painted landscapes, rural scenes and was known for realistic battle pictures (such as the fallen horseman , around 1880, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Florence). Other important works include The Red Cart (Brera Pinacoteca) and the portrait of his cousin Argia (1861, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Florence). He painted some pictures on the lids of cigar boxes.

Although it is attributed to the Macchiaioli, it joined them relatively late and never completely. His taste was classically trained - Colacicchi calls him the most classic painter among the neoclassics and romantics of the 19th century in Italy. He was against Impressionism and Post- Impressionism all his life . In 1891 he wrote a polemic against pointillism .



  • G. Colacicchi in: Kurt Fassmann (Ed.): Kindler's Painting Lexicon, Vol. 3 . Dtv, painting 1982, ISBN 3-423-05995-8 .
  • Mario De Micheli Giovanni Fattori . Bramante Edizioni, Busto Arsizio 1961 (attached: Dario Durbé, a bibliography of the writings of Giovanni Fattori)
  • Dario Durbé (Ed.): Giovanni Fattori . Livorno 1953 (exhibition catalog)
  • Emilio Cecchi: Giovanni Fattori . LUCE, Rome 1933 (L'arte per tutti; 50)
  • Ugo Ojetti Giovanni Fattori . Milan 1921.
  • Angelo Cecconi: Giovanni Fattori . Arte della Stampa, Florence 1914

Web links

Commons : Giovanni Fattori  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to Kindler's Malereilexikon
  2. ^ Kindler's Malereilexikon
  3. The work was published under Cecconi's pseudonym "Thomas Neal".