Giovanni Francesco Fortunio

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Giovanni Francesco Fortunio (* around 1470 in Zadar ; † January 12, 1517 in Ancona ) was an Italian humanist , Romanist and grammarian.

life and work

Fortunio grew up in Pordenone . He was active in Trieste and Venice , eventually as Podestà in Ancona .

Fortunio is best known as the author of the first printed grammar of Italian (orthography and morphology), which was published in twenty editions from 1516 to 1565 under the title Regole grammaticali della volgar lingua and has recently been reissued several times. It is based on the language of the three classics Dante , Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio .


  • Regole grammaticali della volgar lingua , Ancona 1516 (numerous editions up to 1565); ed. by Mario Pozzi, Turin 1973; ed. by Claudio Marazzini and Simone Fornara, Pordenone 1999; ed. by Brian Richardson, Rome / Padua 2001


  • Gino Pistilli:  Fortunio, Giovanni Francesco. In: Fiorella Bartoccini (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 49:  Forino – Francesco da Serino. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1997.
  • Ciro Trabalza : Storia della grammatica italiana . Milan 1908, Bologna 1963, 1984, pp. 51-72
  • Carlo Dionisotti : Gli umanisti e il volgare fra Quattro e Cinquecento . Florence 1968
  • Andrea Benedetti: Giovanni Francesco Fortunio umanista e primo grammatico della lingua italiana . Pordenone 1970
  • Pierre Swiggers: Linguistique et grammaticographie romanes , in: Lexikon der Romanistische Linguistik I, 1, Tübingen 2001, p. 36–121 (here p. 53)
  • Mario Bianco Marchiò: Le ragioni della grammatica: Pietro Bembo e Giovanni Francesco Fortunio . Cologno Monzese 2012

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