Giovanni Giudici (Bishop)

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Giovanni Giudici (born March 6, 1940 in Varese , Italy ) is an Italian clergyman and emeritus Roman Catholic Bishop of Pavia .


Giovanni Giudici was ordained priest for the Archdiocese of Milan on June 27, 1964 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him titular bishop of Usula and auxiliary bishop in Milan on June 9, 1990 . The Archbishop of Milan, Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini SJ , donated him episcopal ordination on June 29 of the same year ; Co-consecrators were the auxiliary bishops of Milan Renato Corti and Bernardo Citterio .

On December 1, 2003, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Pavia . The inauguration took place on January 11 of the following year.

Pope Francis accepted his age-related resignation on November 16, 2015.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia del Vescovo di Pavia (Italia) e nomina del successore. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , November 16, 2015, accessed November 16, 2015 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Giovanni Volta Bishop of Pavia
Corrado Sanguineti
Giovanni Volta Croix de l Ordre du Saint-Sepulcre.svg Grand Prior of the Lieutenancy Italia Settentrionale of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem
since 2003