Renato Corti

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Bishop Renato Corti (2009)
Cardinal coat of arms by Renato Corti

Renato Cardinal Corti (born March 1, 1936 in Galbiate , Province of Lecco , † May 12, 2020 in Rho ) was an Italian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Novara . Since 2016 he has been a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church .


Renato Corti studied at the seminary of Milan. The Archbishop of Milan, Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Cardinal Montini (later Pope Paul VI), donated him to be ordained priest for the Archdiocese of Milan on June 28, 1959 . From 1959 to 1967 he was parish vicar in the Oratory of Caronno Pertusella and from 1967 to 1969 Spiritual of the Archbishopric College of Gorla Minore . From 1969 to 1977 he was the spiritual director of the Archbishop's Seminary in Saronno , later its rector. In November 1980 appointed him Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini for vicar general of the Archdiocese.

Pope John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop in Milan and titular bishop of Zallata on April 30, 1981 . The Archbishop of Milan, Carlo Maria Martini SJ , gave him episcopal consecration on June 6th of the same year; Co- consecrators were the auxiliary bishops in Milan Libero Tresoldi and Bernardo Citterio .

On December 19, 1990, he was appointed Bishop of Novara by John Paul II, and on March 3 of the following year he was appointed to the office. During his tenure in the Piedmontese diocese, he promoted the initiation of the beatification process of Antonio Rosmini .

He was president of the CEI Episcopal Commissions for cooperation among the churches and for clergy, permanent deacons and consecrated life. From 1995 to 2005 Corti was Vice President of the Italian Bishops' Conference .

At the request of Pope John Paul II, he held the Lenten Retreat for the Roman Curia in 2005. Pope Benedict XVI accepted on November 24, 2011 Renato Corti's resignation due to reasons of age.

In 2015, at the request of Pope Francis , he wrote the prayer texts for the papal Good Friday ceremony at the Colosseum. Renato Corti was considered a renowned preacher.

In the consistory of November 19, 2016, Pope Francis accepted him as a cardinal priest with the titular church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina in the college of cardinals . The takeover of his titular church took place on May 14 of the following year.

Renato Corti was involved in numerous social projects in the Holy Land . He was a Grand Officer of the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem .

He died in May 2020 in the House of the Oblates of Saints Ambrose and Charles of Rho, where he had lived since leaving the Diocese of Novara.


  • with Andrea Carlo Ferrari: Vita sacerdotale secondo il Vangelo , 1997
  • Il cristianesimo a Novara e sul territorio , Interlinea edizioni, 1999, ISBN 978-8882122232
  • with Luciano Marzi, Sergio Stevan: Che devo fare Signore? La direzione spirituale: istruzioni per l'uso , Ancora 2000
  • Un giovane diventa cristiano. L'esperienza di Sant'Agostino. Lettera pastorale per l'anno 2003-2004 , Paoline Editoriale Libri 2003, ISBN 978–8831525367
  • with Enzo Bianchi: La parrocchia , Qiqajon 2004, ISBN 978–8882271688
  • Splendet come astri nel mondo. I ragazzi, i giovani e la loro crescita cristiana , Paoline Editoriale Libri 2006, ISBN 978-8831531603
  • Rivestitevi di Cristo Eucaristia e Parola di Dio: la sorgente e l'alimento della maturità cristiana , Paoline Editoriale Libri 2007, ISBN 978-8831533607
  • with René Voillaume, Carlo Maria Martini : La seconda chiamata. Il coraggio della fragilità , Monti 2007, ISBN 978-8884771377
  • Fate quello che egli vi dirà. Vivere da cristiani nel mondo , Paoline 2008, ISBN 978-8831535373
  • with Giandomenico Borelli, Giuseppe Fontanazza: Olivae Larius: il Lario dell'olivo , Comunità montana del Lario orientale 2008
  • Camminare insieme. Nella comunione per la missione , Paoline Editoriale Libri 2009, ISBN 978-8831537537
  • together with Pope Francis: Good Friday, Passion of the Lord. Way of the Cross 2015 , Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2015
  • Non manco di nulla perché tu sei con me , Ancora 2017, ISBN 978–8851419332
  • Miserere , Cooperativa in dialogo 2018


  • PD Guenzi: Per una teologia del cuore. Studi offerti a mons. Renato Corti , Interlinea 2001, ISBN 978-8882123260

Web links

Commons : Renato Corti  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Addio al cardinal Renato Corti., May 12, 2020, accessed on May 12, 2020 (Italian).
  2. a b E 'morto il cardinale Renato Corti, vescovo emerito di Novara. la Stampa , May 12, 2020, accessed May 12, 2020 (Italian).
  3. Cardinal Renato Corti has died. Gifted preacher. In: May 12, 2020, accessed May 12, 2020 .
  4. Concistoro Ordinario Pubblico: Assegnazione dei Titoli o Diaconie. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , November 19, 2016, accessed November 19, 2016 (Italian).
  5. Il cardinale RENATO CORTI, Vescovo Emerito di Novara (Italia)., 2016, accessed May 12, 2020 .
predecessor Office successor
Aldo Del Monte Bishop of Novara
Franco Giulio Brambilla