Giovanni Paternò

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Sarcophagus of Archbishop Giovanni Paternò in the crypt of the Cathedral of Palermo

Giovanni Paternò OSB († January 24, 1511 in Palermo ; also Giovanni Paternione ) was an Italian clergyman and archbishop of Palermo .

He was appointed Bishop of Malta on January 8, 1479 . He received his episcopal ordination on January 31, 1479 in the Roman church of San Lorenzo in Lucina Cardinal Giovanni Battista Zeno , Bishop of Vicenza ; Co-consecrators were Archbishop Marco of Colossae ( Rhodes ), and Giuliano Maffei (Matteis) OFM , Bishop of Bertinoro .

On July 6, 1489 he was raised to Archbishop of Palermo.

The reclining figure of the archbishop on an ancient sarcophagus is the work of Antonello Gagini , for whom Paternò also commissioned the furnishing of the presbytery, of which only remains have survived.


  • Giuseppe Paladino: Paterno. In: Enciclopedia Italiana . Volume 26: Paleo – Pete, Rome 1935 (family article).

Web links


  1. So Gagini. In: Enciclopedie on line. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome. Retrieved May 17, 2020. For Cesare De Seta, M. Antonietta Spadaro, Sergio Troisi: Palermo città d'arte. Guida ai monumenti di Palermo e Monreale. Edizioni Ariete, Palermo 1998, p. 107, it comes from Gagini's school.
  2. ^ Cesare De Seta, M. Antonietta Spadaro, Sergio Troisi: Palermo città d'arte. Guida ai monumenti di Palermo e Monreale. Edizioni Ariete, Palermo 1998, p. 106
predecessor Office successor
Pierre de Foix Archbishop of Palermo
Francesco Remolino (or Rodamilans)
Antonio de Alagona Bishop of Malta
Paolo Della Cavalleria