Giovanni Tuccari

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Giovanni Tuccari (* 1667 in Messina ; † 1743 there at the plague ) was an Italian painter of the Baroque in Sicily .


Giovanni Tuccari was the son of the Barbalonga student and fresco painter Antonio Tuccari, who together with Antonio Bova and Bartolomeo Tricomi frescoed the ceiling of the Messina Cathedral in Messina. Giovanni was probably trained in his father's workshop, as he also stood out as a fresco painter and the artistic influence of Barbalonga echoes in his work. He realized most of his frescoes in Messina and the surrounding area, which were destroyed by the earthquake of 1783 and in particular by the great earthquake of 1908 .

Cacopardi praised Tuccari as a painter with significant talent who would surpass even Luca Giordano in the lightness of his work .

In addition to fresco painting, he created pictures of battles, history pictures , landscapes and still lifes .


  • Museo Regionale di Messina panels “Wedding at Cana”; "Finding Moses" and "Esther and Ahasuerus".
  • Chiesa di San Benedetto (Catania) Stucco work and ceiling frescoes "Life of S. Benedict" and "Glory of S. Benedict" (1726)
  • Santuario di Sant'Antonio ( Castiglione di Sicilia ),
  • Pinacoteca Zelantea ( Acireale )
  • Chiesa di San Cono ( Naso ) two panel paintings
  • Cattedrale di Sant'Agata (Catania): panel “Baptism of Christ”, “SS. Gaetano and Filippo Neri "
  • Chiesa di S. Antonio ( Castiglione di Sicilia ) frescoes


Web links

Commons : Giovanni Tuccari  - Collection of images, videos and audio files