Giulia Salzano

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Giulia Salzano

Giulia Salzano (born October 13, 1846 in Santa Maria Capua Vetere , Italy ; † May 17, 1929 in Casoria , Italy) was an Italian nun and founder of the Suore Catechiste del Sacro Cuore S.CSC ( Latin : Congregatio Sororum Doctrinae Christianae Institutricum a SS. Corde Iesu, German about Congregation of the Sacred Heart Sisters for Catechesis). It was 2003 by the Catholic Church beatified and in 2010 canonized .


Giulia Salzano was teaching religion at a school in Casoria near Naples when, on the advice of Cardinal Sisto Riario Sforza, she contacted Caterina Volpicelli , founder of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Caterina Volpicelli . Due to their influence, the idea of founding a congregation of sisters developed in Giulia , which was to be devoted to religious education and the veneration of the Sacred Heart . Finally, in 1890, she founded a community of teachers. In 1905 this congregation of sisters was recognized. The establishment under diocesan law took place on August 12, 1920; the statute was approved by the Holy See on February 4, 1922. On March 19, 1960, the congregation was recognized papally. The plant spread to Canada, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, the Philippines, India and Indonesia.

Giulia Salzano was beatified by Pope John Paul II on April 27, 2003 . Your canonization by Pope Benedict XVI. took place on October 17th, 2010. Her feast day in the liturgy is May 17th.

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