Giuseppe Errante

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Giuseppe Errante (born March 19, 1760 in Trapani , † February 16, 1821 in Rome ) was an Italian painter of classicism in Sicily and Rome.


Errante was born the son of a leather merchant and went to the workshop of the lesser-known sculptor Domenico Nolfo in Trapani at a young age. He later moved to Palermo to work with the painters Fedele Tirrito and Gioacchino Martorana . In 1784 he went to Rome to the architect and draftsman Giuseppe Barberi (1746–1809). It was there that he met Antonio Canova , who introduced him to Roman society. During this time the altarpiece of S. Vinzent and Anastasius for the basilica of the same name and the ceiling fresco wedding Cupid with Psyche in the Palazzo Altieri were created in Rome .

Between 1787 and 88 he was in Naples , where he received an annual pension and a house in Rome from King Ferdinand IV for his painting Leda and the Swan and for the decoration of the Caserta Castle . In 1791 he was commissioned to found an art school in Trapani. Around 1794 he was charged with a conspiracy, but was able to flee to Milan under a false name , where he worked as a painter and fencing master until 1810.

In 1806, thanks to the favor of the Napoleonic general André Masséna , he presented Napoleon with a series of paintings with mythological and allegorical content during his visit to the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan and received several important commissions. In 1810 he was asked by the viceroy to go to Naples as head of the art school. Because of rheumatic complaints, he refused and hired himself in Rome mainly as a festival master. In 1815 and 1817 he published treatises on color. He died in Rome February 16, 1821 and is buried in the Roman church of San Salvatore in Onda .

While he was initially influenced by the Sicilian late baroque, he later turned to the classical eclecticism of Anton Raphael Mengs by studying the paintings of Correggio (which he often imitated) . Many of his works are in French private ownership. The dome fresco Souls in Purgatory in the Santa Maria della Morte in Civitavecchia is considered to be his main work .

One of his students in Rome was the portrait painter Giuseppe Gandolfo from Catania .

Works (selection)

  • Santa Maria Dell'Orazione e Morte ( Civitavecchia ): Dome fresco Souls in Purgatory (1788)
  • Palazzo Altieri (Rome): ceiling fresco wedding Cupid with Psyche (1793)
  • Museo Regionale Agostino Pepoli (Trapani): still life with rifles and pistols


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