Giuseppe Gandolfo

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Giuseppe Gandolfo: Self-Portrait (1840)
The niece Clementina in the collections of Castel Ursino

Giuseppe Gandolfo (born August 28, 1792 in Catania ; † September 13, 1855 ibid) was an Italian painter in Sicily .


After briefly studying literature and training as a chaser , Gandolfo went to Rome in 1819 , where he studied with Giuseppe Errante . In 1820 he switched to the classicist painter Pietro Benvenuti in Florence . In Florence, Gandolfo worked as a copyist of Renaissance paintings.

In this context he received orders from the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand III. , the British ambassador and numerous nobles.

Around 1823 he went back to Catania, where he mainly worked as a portraitist. His students include Giuseppe Sciuti and his nephew Antonino Gandolfo .

Works (selection)

  • Museo Civico di Castello Ursino (Catania): Portrait of Carmelo Mirone ( 1839 ) and Anna Brancaleone ( 1835 )
  • Pinacoteca Zelantea ( Acireale ): "Portrait of Emanuele Rossi" and a lunar landscape
  • University of Catania: "Portrait of Giuseppe Gioeni"
  • Giarre Cathedral : The Miracle of Saint Isidorus Agricola ( 1841 )


Web links

Commons : Giuseppe Gandolfo  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Almost 700,000 euros had been spent on the project by 2007, the year it was activated ( Sistema museale virtuale. Museo diffuso della Provincia di Catania - SIMUV ), the links on the website of the metropolitan city to this project are dead. The agency Space SpA Catania does not mention who developed and originally hosted the concept on its website.