Giuseppe Haas-Triverio

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Giuseppe Haas-Triverio (born January 27, 1889 as Joseph Haas in Sachseln ; † July 9, 1963 there ) was a Swiss painter and wood cutter .

Joseph Haas grew up as the son of the farmer and hardware dealer Robert Haas together with seven siblings in Sachseln. His mother died when he was six years old. In Sachseln he attended primary school, then the secondary school at the Sarnen college . After an apprenticeship as a flat painter in Root , Lucerne , he spent a semester at the first Swiss painting school in Zurich , where he learned to imitate wood and marble. During his journeyman and hiking days, he hiked "all over Switzerland, to the end of Lake Constance, and beyond to Swabia and Bavaria", but also to Lake Geneva . In May 1911 he settled in Rome , where he was employed as a painter (“decoratore”) and foreman at the “Grand Hotel Excelsior” for twelve years. In addition, he pursued artistic studies, learned woodcut autodidactically and painted pictures, among others in the artist village of Anticoli Corrado . In 1918 he was first admitted to an international exhibition in Rome.

In the summer of 1919 he married the Italian Secondina Triverio from Biella ; since then he has called himself Giuseppe Haas-Triverio . The couple had a daughter. As a rule, he signed his works with a stylized "HT". In 1923 he became a freelance artist. Study trips with friends, including Maurits Cornelis Escher , took him through almost all of Italy, to Corsica , Morocco and England . During the Second World War , Haas-Triverio returned to Sachseln in 1941, where he acquired the Seegüetli house on Lake Sarnen and set up a studio. Even if he has created a number of oil paintings, the woodcut is still considered to be his actual form of expression. Landscape motifs predominate here, but he also created works in the field of Christian art , for example on Brother Klaus .


  • Am a landscaper. Giuseppe Haas-Triverio 1889–1963 . Published by the Giuseppe Haas-Triverio Foundation, with contributions by Giuseppe Haas-Triverio, Martina Akermann, Urs-Beat Frei, Roswitha Schild, Nina Stössinger and Nathalie Unterstährer. Verlag Martin Wallimann, Alpnach 2013, ISBN 978-3-905969-18-4 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Spelling with "ph" after Roswitha Schild: The scent of grass and earth, cut into wood . In: Bin a landscaper , 2013, pp. 39–65. (Here: p. 39.)
  2. Haas-Triverio's Notes . In: Am a landscaper , 2013, pp. 5–22. (Here: p. 8.)