Giuseppe Natoli

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Giuseppe Natoli

Giuseppe Natoli , Baron von Scaliti, Patrizio di Messina (born June 9, 1815 in Messina ; † September 25, 1867 ibid) was an Italian statesman , patriot and a leading figure in the movement for the unification of Italy ("Risorgimento").


Giuseppe Natoli came from the Sicilian noble family Natoli. His father was Giacomo Natoli, his mother Emanuela, née Cianciolo. He studied law at the University of Palermo and was a professor of civil and procedural law.

Tomb in the Messina Cemetery, created by Lio Gangeri .

After the declaration of a united Kingdom of Italy , Natoli was Minister of Agriculture in the cabinet of Camillo Benso von Cavour from 1861 to 1862 . From 1864 to 1865 he served as Minister of Education in the cabinet of Alfonso La Marmora .

He was married to Maria Cardile, their only son was the Italian politician and mayor of Messina Giacomo Natoli . On September 25, 1867, Natoli died of cholera in Messina.


  • "In difesa della Commenda d'Alì dell'ordine costantiniano contro il cav. D. Paolo Granata, memoria per la gc civile in Messina" , Messina 1847;
  • "Discorso pronunciato nella tornata del 12 luglio 1861 sulla condotta politica e parlamentare del deputato signor G. Natoli" , 1861;
  • "Discorso del senatore Natoli sul progetto di legge pel conguaglio provvisorio dell'imposta fondiaria" , Rome 1864;
  • " Giuseppe La Farina : discorso postumo del barone Natoli" , Palermo, 1869.


  • Francesco Bonaini : Rapporto sugli archivi toscani fatto a Sua Eccellenza il barone Giuseppe Natoli , Florence 1866
  • Giorgio Attard: Messinesi insigni del sec. XIX sepolti al Gran Camposanto (Epigrafi - Schizzi Biografici) , Società Messinese di Storia Patria, Messina 1926; 2ª ed. A cura di Giovanni Molonia, 1991 ( on line ).
  • Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Volume 33, 1870, London, Great Britain
  • Giorgio Dell'Arti, Cavour: Vita dell'uomo che fece l'Italia , pub. Marsilio Editore, 2015, Venice, ISBN 978-88-317-3278-9
  • Holt, Edgar, The Making of Italy: 1815–1870 . New York: Murray Printing Company, 1971. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-135573
  • Beales, Derek & Eugenio Biagini. The Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy. Second edition. London: Longman, 2002. ISBN 0-582-36958-4
  • Mack Smith, Denis. Italy: A Modern History . Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press , 1959. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 5962503
  • Norwich, John Julius. The Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean . New York: Doubleday, 2006. ISBN 978-0-385-51023-3
  • L'Italico, Luigi Orlando ei suoi fratelli per la patria e per l'industria italiana - note e documenti , Forzani & C. tipografi del Senato, Roma, 1898

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