Francesco Bonaini

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Francesco Bonaini

Francesco Bonaini (born July 20, 1806 in Livorno , † August 28, 1874 near Pistoia ) was an Italian historian.


Francesco Bonaini came from a Jewish family who had converted to Catholicism. He devoted himself in Pisa theological and legal studies and was at the local university in 1826 professor of canon law, in 1840 Professor of Italian legal history and in 1843 librarian. He later lived in Florence and was a member of the Accademia della Crusca there from 1851, of which he was librarian from 1851 to 1854. As arciconsolo , he headed it from 1857 to 1859. When a central directorate of the Tuscan state archives was created in 1852 and the reorganization of these institutions was decided, Bonaini was in charge of it, who soon rose to the top as general director and developed a wide range of activities. This extended to the archives in Florence and those of the large provincial cities, and institutes were created in Siena , Pisa and Lucca which were regarded as exemplary. Bonaini also trained an excellent, numerous school of younger archivists and paleographers . In 1870 he had to seek medical care and died on August 28, 1874 at the age of 68 in a villa near Pistoia. Since 1868 he was a foreign member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .

Bonaini wrote numerous smaller legal and art history works as well as official reports on the archives of the duchies of Modena and Parma and the papal legations (Florence 1861). Above all, however, he published the great works, partly with the support of others:

  • Storie Pisane (2 vols., Florence 1844–45), a collection of Pisan chronicles, and Cronache e storie inedite della città di Perugia dal 1150 al 1563 (2 vols., Florence 1850–51), both works as part of the Archivio storico italiano
  • Statuti inediti della città di Pisa dal XII. al XIV. secolo (3 vols., Florence 1854–70), an important Italian documentary work
  • Lettere inedite di LA Muratori a Toscani (Florence 1854)
  • Acta Henrici VII Romanorum imperatoris (2 vols., Posthumously published Florence 1877), a document book on the history of Henry VII's move to Italy .


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Individual evidence

  1. Member entry of Francesco Bonaini at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences , accessed on December 29, 2016.