Shiny laser herb

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Shiny laser herb
Euasterids II
Order : Umbelliferae (Apiales)
Family : Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
Subfamily : Apioideae
Genre : Laser herbs ( laserpitium )
Type : Shiny laser herb
Scientific name
Laserpitium nitidum

The Shining laser herb ( Laserpitium nitidum ) is a plant of the genus laserpitium ( Laserpitium ) in the family of Umbelliferae (Apiaceae).


The shiny laser herb is a perennial, sometimes stiff-bristled herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 30 to 70 cm. The upright stem is finely grooved and branched at the top. The leaves are thick, their upper side is glabrous and the underside shiny. The outline of the long-stemmed basal leaves is broadly ovoid. They are triple pinnate, their sections are lobed and closely sawn on the edge and ciliate with short bristles. The upper leaves sit on narrow, skin-margined sheaths.

The flower umbels are large and 15 to 25 (35) radial. The bracts are often turned back. Bracts are numerous, mostly abundant. The calyx teeth are small, the petals white. The fruits are straw yellow.

Flowering time is from July to August.


The species occurs from Lake Como to Lake Garda . It can be found in warm, dry locations such as mountain slopes and pastures, with a preference for lime.

The shiny laser herb is rare in the entire distribution area.


  • Gunter Steinbach (Ed.): Alpine flowers. (Steinbach's nature guide). Mosaik Verlag GmbH, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-576-10558-1 .