Glauke (Amazon)

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Glauke ( ancient Greek Γλαύκη ) is an Amazon of Greek mythology .

Her name has been handed down in literature in the Amazon list of Hyginus Mythographus . Next to her the Amazons Okyale , Dioxippe , Iphinome , Xanthe , Hippothoe , Otrere , Antioche , Laomache , Agaue , Theseis , Hippolyte , Klymene , Polydora and Penthesilea are listed. Otherwise her name appears in a scholion to Homer's Iliad. The name can also be found as an inscription on several vases with depictions of amazons.

Georg Weicker sees in her the wife of Theseus and mother of Hippolytos , who was reinterpreted as an Amazon in the later legend.



  1. ^ Hyginus Mythographus, Fabulae 163.
  2. Scholion for the Iliad 3, 189.
  3. Georg Weicker : Glauke 6. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume VII, 1, Stuttgart 1910, Sp. 1395 f. ( Digitized version ).