Georg Weicker

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Georg William Weicker (born October 18, 1869 in Zwickau ; † 1957 ) was a German classical archaeologist , classical philologist and high school teacher.

After attending grammar school in Zwickau, he studied classical philology and classical archeology in Tübingen and Leipzig , where he was a student of Johannes Overbeck . He received his doctorate on December 14, 1895 in Leipzig with the thesis De Sirenibus quaestiones selectae . In 1896 he passed the state examination and initially worked as a teacher at the Kreuzschule in Dresden, then at the Realgymnasium in Annaberg . 1903–1904 he received a six-month travel grant from the German Archaeological Institute . During this time he and Felix Bölte undertook an excavation to locate ancient Nisaia . From 1905 he was a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute . From 1906 to 1911 he was a teacher at the Königin-Carola-Gymnasium in Leipzig and at the same time worked as an assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Leipzig. From 1911 he was a teacher at the grammar school in Plauen , later in Güldenboden ( East Prussia ) and Elbing .

Publications (selection)
